"The human spirit needs places where nature has not been rearranged by the hand of man."
~Reality In Balance Hello Guys, I have a new series here on YouTube for those with questions regarding Spirituality and its many facets. We'll be discussing topics such as, “What Is Spirituality, the Power of Sound”, and so on. If you would like to see a video of these interests and more, then please leave me a comment below. I will be continuing all tarot readings on my IG @shawneejanelle for daily forecast readings, and have discontinued all Tarot Series at this time on my Reality in Balance YouTube channel.
The universe has instrumentally supplied basic principles to Spiritual Grounding for your spiritual development in a very simple manner to relate to. I find that it’s the individual’s inconsistent approach to these tools that can bring about discouragements in their spiritual elevation, and because of it, an on-going confusion surrounding their purpose in life.
Or what does Spiritual Grounding mean? When we think of the spirit, we know that it has no shape or form. It is the nonphysical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character. If the spirit is weakened, it can be easily manipulated. If the spirit is strong, it has unlocked certain keys to the unfolding of its consciousness.
You might hear someone mentioning around you that they are in good spirits today- Meaning that they are feeling good or vigorous! Vice-versa, for when a person mentions having low spirits- They are not in a good space. You are a space for your spirit to occupy. We call these bodies our spacesuits. Therefore, to protect your spirit from the waves of distractions that are taking away from your purpose in life, it is your divine lifeline and right to elevate your spirit with Basic Spiritual Grounding Tools.
Meditation is not a chore. You can be flexible and disciplined with it. Meditate in silence, while writing, drawing, walking, exercising, bathing, and so on. The point is to focus on one thing and draw your attention back to that one thing gently for a few minutes. Sometimes, you might have the notion to change and switch it up over time, and this is completely normal. With consistency in this area, it will be highly noticeable to yourself and others. A person is Spiritually Grounded in thought and action through the clarifying routes of meditation. |
Eliminate Stress~ The second Basic Tool for Spiritual Grounding that Everyone Can Do will innately amplify a spiritual awakening with the purge of your fears and worries. To eliminate stress is defined by removing any tension surrounding your environment.
This can be performed gradually over some time. It does not mean that you can disregard your conscious mistakes, but instead, to use your intellect during those experiences, and spiritually rebalance yourself. If you hurt someone, think of ways to change this about you. No matter how much a person tries to block out their bad behaviors, it will always remain in the true essence of the person's consciousness to show up and disrupt other areas in their life.
For example, maybe you've said something completely out of character to someone that you love, and this has caused a break in the relationship. It's okay, to genuinely apologize from the expressions of your heart. The point here is to free yourself from any guilt and regrets to move on in life a bit lighter. Do what's necessary to rebalance positively. Disallow stress and its normalcy towards you is Spiritual Grounding.
When we come to the point where the mind is governed by the grounded spiritual-self, we will be embraced in a peace that surpasses understanding. It keeps the mind clear, clean, harmonious, and vital; and in its turn manages, controls, and governs the body, acting as the purifying agent of both mind and body. There is a spiritual center within every one of us, and in that center is stored up our entire spiritual heritage. This center is not within the body, but in our consciousness, and we can draw out its infinite enfoldments. It is important to protect it with persistent Spiritual Grounding practices.
Practice The 3 Basic Grounding Tools in your daily activities for they will revitalize the truest essence within Spiritual Grounding for you. It may sound basic but easily forgotten without committing to a solid foundation that you can see working for you in your lifetime.
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ShawNee Janelle
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“In Naturopathy, the connection between the Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional bodies is the foundation for good health. One of my goals is to help restore & maintain a natural balance for the client.”
-ShawNee Janelle