New Moon in ♊︎ Gemini ✨Enlightenment | June,10 2021Welcome back to Reality in Balance. Today, we’re going to perform a voodoo tarot reading for the New Moon solar eclipse. You can use this time to begin new relationships, interests, or methods of connecting. For the Gemini New moon, it’s also a unique time to balance two hemispheres, such as physical matter and spiritual essence; female and male principles, emotional and mental planes, etc.
The sun and the moon are in the astrological sign of the twins. Remember to use this time to enhance the next phase as mentioned above, and remove ties with the people who want to bully you into communicating with them. ❖ Retrogrades: Mercury, Saturn, Pluto
❖Gemini Voodoo Tarot Card: Marassa ❖Tarot Cards: New Orleans Voodoo Tarot, The Secret Language of Light ❖ New Moon in ♊️Gemini ✨Enlightenment | June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse Video Voodoo Tarot SpreadPast/Current Status:
IInfluences from the highest expression of spirit have had a new beginning. What an interesting start for the new moon phase, generally speaking, because of the nature of Neptune affecting the insight for new beginnings. I encourage you to go into this new cycle using your sense of awareness, and not so much as the new fool. You are no amateur. Current/Present Status:
In the current stage for the collective and generally speaking, calm waters carry peace. Mercy is present to those who work in unison. The still waters allow the general collective to keep work diligent. We can all give thanks for the aid during this new moon in Gemini phase. Future/Current Status: Your gifts will be used more now during the new moon in Gemini season. The Master of the Head realizes his/her purpose. You may decide to learn another level of skill or become interested in a new teaching. I find it amazing to have this card to represent the future and a reminder that our spirit is always listening to our heart’s desires to move us forward. ShawNee Janelle Certified Holistic Health Practitioner Health & Wellness Consultant
I want to advise the people out there who may be having difficulty with toxic parental relationships. Here's the disclaimer: I am not a licensed therapist and cannot give counsel to the public outside of my scope of authority concerning episodes for psychotherapy. I am a Holistic Health Practitioner that promotes health and wellness, and one of the means that I use is self-awareness first. What I am about to say is for those people who want to remove the toxic energy from their childhoods that still show up today in the conscious and unconscious mind. The things that left a negative imprint on you as a child in your parental relationships. First, let me remind you that no one has a perfect childhood. Yes, there are levels of extremes from one to the next regarding childhood trauma, but you can still see a way out of a toxic relationship with your parents or guardians today with practice. How to begin? Well, ask yourself this. What do you like and dislike about yourself now? The things that you like/dislike about yourself as an individual mirror the feelings towards your parents or guardians today. Some examples of what you might like about yourself are that you're a good parent, listener, love to cook, like to draw, play instruments, sing, easy on the eyes, like to study, have a beautiful smile, etc. Contribute all of these positive attributes to your genetic or learned information to balance the toxic behaviors interconnecting with you. The type of work you do, hobbies, how you treat your children and other people can give you insight into your family values. What you like or dislike about yourself adds value to your individuality and contributes to your goals in life. So, if you’re triggered by a moment where your parents or guardian were not so perfect, then remind yourself today of the good things that you carry on from them, and get rid of the bad. Even if you don’t know anything about your guardians, or they were losers. You can use that energy to be a better person and allow it to motivate you. With this attitude, you can ascend higher in the realms of spirituality. In the physical realm, everything is weighed by our emotions and how we feel about one another, so it’s easy to remain stuck in one negative thought about our relationships with our parents/guardians. I challenge you to discover all of the good things that you like about yourself and then instill it when triggers show up in the form of toxic parents or guardians.
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January 2025
“In Naturopathy, the connection between the Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional bodies is the foundation for good health. One of my goals is to help restore & maintain a natural balance for the client.”
-ShawNee Janelle