❖ PROTECT CHILDREN | from Sexual Abuse
❖ According to adult retrospective studies, 1 and 4 women and 1 and 6 men were sexually abused before the age of 18 years old. This statement means there are more than 42 million adult survivors of child sexual abuse in the U.S.
73% of child victims do not tell anyone about the abuse for at least one year. 45% do not tell anyone for at least five years. Some may never disclose- children of every gender, race, ethnicity, background, social-economic status, and family structure are at risk. No child is immune. ❖ TIPS to PROTECT CHILDREN | from Sexual Abuse
➠ Teach your child about boundaries. Let your child know that no one has the right to touch them or make them feel uncomfortable- this includes hugs from grandparents or even tickling from mom or dad. It is crucial to let your child know that their body is their own. Just as importantly, remind your child that they do not have the right to touch someone else if that person does not want to be touched.
➠ Teach your child how to talk about their bodies. From an early age, teach your child the names of their body parts. Teaching a child these words gives them the ability to come to you when something is wrong. Learn more about ➠talking to children about sexual assault. ➠ Be available. Set time aside to spend with your child where they have your undivided attention. Let your child know that they can come to you if they have questions or if someone is talking to them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable. If they do come to you with questions or concerns, follow through on your word and take the time necessary to talk. ➠ Let them know they won’t get in trouble. Many perpetrators use secret-keeping or threats as a way of keeping children quiet about the abuse. Encourage children frequently that they will not get in trouble for talking to you, no matter what they need to say. When they do come to you, follow through on this promise and avoid punishing them for speaking up. ➠ Give them the chance to raise new topics. Sometimes asking direct questions like, “Did you have fun?” and “Was it a good time?” won’t give you the answers you need. Give your child a chance to bring up their concerns or ideas by asking open-ended questions like “Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?”
❖Perhaps the most tragic is the hurt and disappointment caused by intimate relationships with family members or friends, someone known and trusted involving abuse.
Too often, adults, we retreat from dysfunctional relationships or deny the true depths of the problem to smooth suppressed wounds. Yet, we must take responsibility now as adults to understand the lessons of our relationships with ourselves first. Emotional or energetic harm or violation from a person you trust, love, and respect can create deep resentment, anger, or rage that require committed healing work. We are responsible for protecting all children from sexual abuse before it begins. 1 and 4 women and 1 and 6 men were sexually abused before the age of 18 years old. Sources: "How Can I Protect My Child From Sexual Assault?" "Sacred Woman", by Queen Afua R.A.I.N.N
A person may choose to juice fruits or vegetables for a number of reasons: ➠ to detox the body from harmful chemicals while fasting ➠ a pre- workout or recovery tonic ➠ an in between meal energy boost ➠cleanse the body/mind ➠ enhance immunity ➠ revitalize the body systems, and more. When juicing fruits and vegetables, you’re giving the digestive system a much needed break, while still providing fuel for your body. |
❖ Fruit Juicing
Fruit juices help cleanse the body and nourish it with important ingredients, including cancer-fighting antioxidants. Any fruit can be juiced and is particularly delicious in contrast to vegetables. When juicing fruits, leave small seeds in, except when using apples. Apple seeds contain cyanide, a toxic substance when overly digested. The skins of citrus fruits are bitter. Oranges and grapefruits are especially bitter and also contain a toxic substance on the skin of these fruits that should not be consumed. Kiwis and papayas are tropical fruits, and the skin likely contains residuals of harmful pesticide spraying. Favorite cleansing fruit juices are: ✢Apples ✢Watermelon ✢Apricots ✢Grapefruits ✢Kiwis ✢Oranges ✢Pineapple ✢Papayas ✢Peaches |
❖ Vegetable Juicing
At-home, fresh vegetable juice is a restorer for the body. They boost the immune system, remove acid waste, and purifies the blood.
Amongst the healthiest vegetables to juice are: ✢Beets ✢Cabbage ✢Celery ✢Cucumber ✢Kale ✢Parsley ✢Spinach ✢Watercress ✢Wheatgrass |
Vegetable juice contains less sugar than fruity juices made at home and is a better option for most people. For the most health and immunity benefits, use different vegetables when making your juices. In this way, you will provide your body with a variety of priority nutrients. |
*The mentioned Vegetables below should be used
in small amounts, due to “strong-flavouring” Broccoli Onions Radishes Parsley Rutabaga Turnips |
❖ Organic Produce
Eating organic fruits and vegetables from the produce section or grown at home means that you are ingesting high amounts of vitamins, minerals, and fiber needed for the homeostasis of the body.
The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the more important it is to buy organically grown produce. The difference between organic and conventional produce is the number of pesticides used to defend against insects while the plant is in the growing stage. |
Juice most produce with stems and leaves intact; washing/soaking/rinsing thoroughly prior. However, remove carrot and rhubarb greens. These contain a toxic substance harmful to the body.
If you want to use soft fruits that contain very little water, like bananas, papayas, or avocado- puree the fruits in a blender first, then stir into other juices for a liquid consistency.
Remember to rotate vegetables and fruits so that you consume a variety of nutrients. You can maintain good health with juicing at-home to boost immunity health. Tolerated by most people, fruit, and vegetable juicing supplies many essential vitamins and minerals needed for good health, strong immunity, and balance.
“Foods That Heal”, by Dr. Bernard Jensen
“Natural Health and Wellness, The Consultant Manual”, by Dr. K. Akua Gray
Vitamins & Minerals from A to Z (Ethno-conscious Series) by Jewel Pookrum Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing
“Ochun teaches us that the world will be in disorder as long as women and children are neglected, disrespected, and abused.” -Marta Moreno Vega
So, let’s get into the primary aspects of the 7 Santeria, Oshun tarot card represented in The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot deck! Oshun is one of the powerful female Orishas. When I see this tarot card, it usually reminds me of the illusionary effects of beauty. Because in this case, the power is all within as the emotions are grounded, fixed in solid form. There are no tears or unwavering emotions whenever this tarot card appears. In this way, emotions can be manifested in a self-assured fashion to bring about the sacrament into fruition.
➠ The Solid Form of Emotions
➠ Emotions Manifest in a concrete fashion
➠ Emotional Involvement to bring Manifestation
➠Possible Disappointment in the solid form of Love
DOMINION: All things that Flow~ water, love, honey, money...
HONOR: Oshun Festival- OshOgbo, Nigeria; August
PROTECTS: Women and Children
COLOR: Yellow, Gold, and Orange
METAL: Brass, Copper, Gold
Number: 5
Day: Friday
Planet: Venus, Moon
Body System: Reproductive
The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot, by Martinie/Glassman
Encyclopedia of Spirits
The Altar of My Soul
Tolerated by most people, especially children, juicing celery is a simple way to boost health and maintain immunity at home. High in water content, celery has protective properties beneficial for the brain, digestive, circulatory, and nervous systems. A natural treatment for arthritis, celery contains at least 12 factors that have anti-inflammatory effects.
Celery is available for juicing all year round, with a peak season from November-May. It's best to plan to use celery in abundance during these times, especially for juicing to increase immunity health benefits. Grown commercially in the United States since 1880, celery belongs to the same plant family as carrots, parsley, fennel, caraway, and anise.
Celery is alkaline and needed to dispose of toxic, acidic waste from the food, water, and air consumed each day. The leaves of celery are rich in sulfur, potassium, and sodium to alleviate acid imbalances in the body. Celery juice combined with fresh apple juice can neutralize acids in the digestive system, nervous system, and circulatory system to boost health and immunity.
➠ Alkaline
➠Anti-Inflammatory effects
➠Reduce Acids in body
➠Natural treatment for arthritis, neuritis, and rheumatism
➠ Aids digestion
➠Reduce fermentation
➠Reduced acidosis
➠Reduce blood pressure
➠ Good source of Vitamin A, B1, B2 ✅
➠ Rich in Chlorine, Sodium, and Potassium
❖ VItamin A (Beta Carotene) ✅ ➠Antioxidant ➠Enhances Immunity ➠Prevent eye imbalances ➠ Promotes Digestion ➠ Promotes Healing/Cell Growth ➠ Promotes Healthy Skin ➠Reduces Colds/Influenza/Infection ❖ Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) ✅ ➠Digestion Process ➠Enhances Circulation ➠Carbohydrate Metabolism ➠ Blood Formation ➠ Production Hydrochloric Acid- ( a lack of hydrochloric acid causes an incomplete breakdown of protein resulting in foul-smelling bowels, bacteria in stomach, and bad breath.) ❖ Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) ✅ ➠Alleviates Fatigue ➠Antibody production ➠Red Blood Cell Formation ➠Cell Respiration |
*For the individuals experiencing irritability, nervousness, tips of feet/hands burning sensation, and losing strength/grip in hands, check B Vitamin levels and the sources of Thiamine to increase good health and immunity.
*To prevent organ stress of the kidneys, celery juice should be diluted with a 1:1 ratio, adding spring/alkaline or chemical-free water.
8oz is measured for a serving of juice. Therefore 4oz of juice and 4oz of water are measured.
Celery: 3 medium sliced = 1c veg: 1c water.
What I Use At Home:
Funnel Blender Glass Jar Juice Bag/Cheesecloth bag Spring Water Organic Celery What I Do At Home: Wash Celery Slice halves Add Water Blend Celery and Water Strain Blend Consume within 24hrs |
ShawNee Janelle
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“In Naturopathy, the connection between the Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional bodies is the foundation for good health. One of my goals is to help restore & maintain a natural balance for the client.”
-ShawNee Janelle