✢ Disclaimer: If you are currently being sexually violated in any way please inform an adult at this time immediately. For your discretion, there are 24/7 Hotlines available for questions or aide here @https://www.rainn.org/statistics , or please also check with your local county for other resources and advice for your safety. |
Respect others' boundaries.
Ask for consent.
Intervene when someone's in trouble.
Notice the warning signs of abuse and speak up.
Nurture myself and others
Let’s Begin with the Affirmation
for Week 29!
♡“There Is Always Hope”
When I am experiencing hopelessness, there is more room for me to grow! To be hopeful is to know that positive changes are underway. I realize now that hope and worry cannot coexist.
However, I will reassure you that to live in knowing, trust, and faith I cannot be led astray. There is a spark within me searching fervently for this glimmer. Even if I cannot believe it, hope will return. I will persevere as a survivor of sexual abuse.
Until then, I can trust in all positive reflections of myself because I know that it’s coming. A cycle for growth is for the acceptance of myself as I move through these necessary phases.There Is Always Hope!
- BLOG RESOURCE: "Affirmations for a Sexual Abuse Survivor Part 1"
♡ No matter where you are right now on your journey as a sexual abuse survivor, remember that there is more to you than what the eye may perceive of the self at this time. You are a Survivor-Stay in action on your healing journey every day and meditate on these concepts, “There Is Always Hope!”
♡Visualize the Affirmation, see it in color or as shaded black and white, however, the mind perceives it, allowing for the current response to form naturally. Listen to yourself without judgment and begin to frequently journal this process as you transition the mind to higher aspects of yourself.
Your Reality In Balance begins at the very moment as the will is placed forth by your intent to grow and change for the betterment of self, aiding in the improvement of mankind! I'll see you guys the next time. Be well healed, and balance in peace, peace!
CategoriesAll |
“Keep Calm and Stay Hydrated”
~Reality in Consciousness
Don’t wait until your thirsty to go for a drink of Water! As stated by Holistic Practitioners, the suggested daily intake is half the body weight in ounces. So if your weight is 150lbs, and half of that is 75, then you are required to drink 75floz of water daily. Depending on how active you are throughout the day, you may need to drink even more water.
The most important food for our body system is water because it makes up 70% of every cell in our bodies. It is the prime life force that is needed for everyone to be in good health. It plays a vital role in all bodily functions. The body uses water for digestion, tissue building, absorption, cleansing and transporting of nutrients. It dilutes body waste by decreasing waste’s toxicity and aids in the expel of waste from the body and so much more.
Yet drinking the daily recommended amount of water could be a challenge no matter how simple it may appear to be. If the proper water intake is not given, the body will adhere to dehydration and toxicity. In this case, a toxic body is a resting place for disease and ailments, and that which water can disrupt on a subatomic level.
Usually, urine will be pale yellow if the body is sufficiently hydrated and a key factor for a measure of an adequate amount of water intake.
1. Make it Convenient
If you’re too busy, make hydration convenient for you! If having difficulty with large amounts at a sitting, try drinking a small amount of H20 at a time every couple of hours . For instance, drink 4oz every couple of hours of free and clear water. Place a pitcher or water bottle conveniently on your desk or a refillable bottle easy to reach. Something that will suit your lifestyle as appealing, so that you’re more likely to fit it in your routine.
- Check local WATER Department to find out how it’s being treated, the rating in cleanliness, and/or with Environmental reporters from the Newspaper if tap water is your better water source.
- Tap WATER- comes out of household taps or faucets and is generally obtained either from surface water or groundwater. Surface water has run off from ponds, creeks, streams, rivers, lakes, and is collected in reservoirs. Groundwater is filtered through the ground and extracted via well
- Regardless of the original source of tap H2O, it is susceptible to a number of harmful chemicals and inorganic minerals in the body that cannot be used
- Bottled Water- about 25% of bottled water comes from the same water supplies that flow into the same areas of household taps
- You will need to read the water source noted on the bottle to confirm its quality
- Artesian Water- is water drawn from a well where the water is brought to the surface by a natural pressure or flow
- Deionized Water- this process removes nitrates and the minerals calcium and magnesium, in addition to heavy metals cadmium, barium, lead, mercury, and some forms of radiological contaminants.
- BLOG RESOURCE: "How to Treat Cold/Flu, Holistically"
- Mineral Water- containing not less than 250 parts per million total dissolved solids, originating from a geologically and physically protected underground water source or spring. Distinguished by constant levels and relative proportions of minerals and trace elements as its source, allowing for seasonal variations
- Natural Spring Water- an underground formation from which water flows naturally to the surface of the earth
- The location of the spring must be identified on the label of any water labeled as spring water
- Steam-Distilled Water- distillation involves vaporizing water by boiling it.
- Once consumed, steam-distilled water leaches inorganic minerals rejected by the cells and tissues out of the body
- Sparkling Water- contains the same amount of carbon dioxide that it had at emergence from the water source
- (Balch, 2010)
2. Increase Fruits and Vegetable Consumption
Fresh fruit and vegetables are mostly composed of water, and the most hydration occurs when consuming liquids and eating live foods.
- Cucumbers consist of 96% of WATER; most of its HYDRATION being from the skin, which contains Vitamin C
- Lettuce is made up of 96% of WATER and is cholesterol and sodium free
- Celery contains 95% of WATER: three stalks provide natural salts to replenish sodium levels
- Watermelons, as their name indicates, contain 92% of WATER
- Strawberries are comprised of 92% of WATER
- Cantaloupe super fruit contains 90% of WATER- one cup supplies Potassium Essential for HYDRATION: Potassium helps to maintain fluid-balance, muscle function, and bone strength
- Oranges are made up of 87% WATER
- Broccoli has 90% of WATER and many health supporting compounds which are anti-inflammatory
Eating fruits and vegetables with high water content can help satisfy nutrient recommendations and keep you hydrated!
Water Filled Vegetables:
- Celery, Cucumber, Lettuce, Tomato, Zucchini contain 90% of WATER
- Broccoli, Green Cabbage, Cauliflower, Eggplant, and Spinach contain over 90% of WATER
Water Filled Fruit:
- Apricots, Blueberries, Oranges, Peaches, Apples, Cherries, Grapes, Pears, Pineapples, Plums, Raspberries contain over 80% of WATER
- Melons; Cantaloupe, Watermelon contain over 90% of WATER
(Ontario equestrian.ca)
- BLOG SOURCE: "7 Ways to Boost Your Energy Naturally"
3. Routine Exercise
With regular and daily endurance your body is bound to request hydration often. As you work out more frequently, you will begin to notice how H2O is an essential substance, and more importantly, a vital part of your daily routine. As you do this, your body will signal you to drink H2O avidly.
In one hour of exercise, the body can lose more than a quarter of its water; without an adequate amount of water the body will lack energy and your muscles may cramp. By drinking water before, during, and after exercise the heart functions better and muscles are in tune with the exercise. Failure to replenish the water lost during exercise can result in the body’s electrolyte imbalance. Drinking 2 cups of water before, in between 4 to 6 ounces every 15-20 minutes, and post workout as much of what was lost will sustain internal balance keeping you hydrated without any question nor concern.
Consider these tips as life-sustaining, but It doesn’t have to be a hassle. The consumption of sufficient water intake is a priority in order to engage in healthy habits. Make hydration work for you as nourishing and convenient, that which it is always available for work or between rest. Activate your thirst sensor with daily exercises, and become consciously aware of the body’s need for fruits/vegetables to stay hydrated. Besides, despite popular demand, WATER does the BODY GOOd!
Thank you again for staying in tuned to reality in consciousness on this week’s segment on “3 Simple Ways to Drink More Water!”
Reality in Consciousness begins at the very moment as the work is placed forth by your intent to grow and change for the betterment of self, aiding in the improvement of mankind!
Please be sure to Check-Out All of My Other Social Media Platforms Linked Below for Weekly Inspirations.
Until the Very Next Point in time,
Be Well & Heal in Peace…Peace!!!
Written by: S.J
***Stay Tuned in to reality in consciousness by simply Clicking on the Links Below!
~The Traditional Modalities for Healing by: Reality S.J Fields
~Reality in Consciousness.com
Ontario equestrian.ca
“Prescription for Nutritional Healing”, by Phyllis Balch CNC
“The Consultant Manual”, by Dr. Akua
BLOG RESOURCE: "How to Resist Seasonal Allergies"
11/21/2018 1 Comment
AFFIRMATIONS | For a Sexual Abuse Survivor | "Today I Embrace My Talents" | No.28
"Today I take time to acknowledge one of my talents-even if I cannot yet embrace it freely. I can trust that I am involved in a gradual healing process as I reclaim my authentic self."
Nancy W.
~Reality in Balance
♡ AFFIRMATIONS | For A Sexual Abuse Survivor
Thank you again for visiting my Blog Page as we come together for “Today I Embrace My Talents” from this multiple part series on Affirmations for a Sexual Abuse Survivor Part 28. If you haven’t yet viewed Part 1 of this series, please do so by clicking here.
The length of this series, which is set for 52 weeks is for you to become more familiar with your strengths and weaknesses as a sexual abuse survivor. I encourage everyone to go at their own pace & to know that the doors will always remain open for questions as a community or individually towards your healing.
➠ https://www.rainn.org/
https://www.rainn.org/statistics R Respect others' boundaries. A Ask for consent. I Intervene when someone's in trouble. N Notice the warning signs of abuse and speak up. N Nurture myself and others |
Disclaimer: If you are currently being sexually violated in any way please inform an adult at this time immediately. For your discretion, there are 24/7 Hotlines available for questions or aid here @https://www.rainn.org/, or please also check with your local county for other resources and advice for your safety. |
Let’s Begin with the Affirmation for Week 28 !
“Today I Embrace My Talents”
Today I am aware of and have a strong belief in my talents.
I deserve to feel a sense of gratitude and self-regard for embracing my talents. I can embrace all that is unique within. It might be a gradual process, but with practice comes acceptance.
Embracing my talents can be as simple as to laugh or smile, to dream or pursue dreams as a way to give back to my life. Every born talent that I embrace gives purpose for a life full of care and resources. Today, I welcome them!
BLOG RESOURCE: "How to Build a Dynamic Support System"
No matter where you are right now on your journey as a sexual abuse survivor, remember that there is more to you than what the eye may perceive of the self at this time. You are a Survivor-Stay in action on your healing journey every day and meditate on these concepts, “Today I Embrace My Talents” |
Visualize the Affirmation, see it in color or as shaded black and white, however, the mind perceives it, allow for the current response to form naturally. Listen to yourself without judgment and begin to frequently journal this process as you transition the mind to higher knowledge of yourself.
“Take a Deep Breath. Get Present in the Moment and Ask Yourself, What is Important at this Very Second”-Greg Mckeown
~Reality in Balance
The way I’ve always had seem to recall during the holiday season is that there are only two avenues around this time of year that a sexual abuse survivor would consider to promote wellness and remain stress-free.
1.) Proceed to all your holiday functions ill prepared as a guest, because no one has seen your darling face for a while anyways.
2.) Steer far away from unnecessary triggers by following my 5 Holiday-Wellness Tips for a #Stress #Free Sexual Abuse Survivor!

As a sexual abuse survivor, you will need to empower yourself and initiate a plan of action before the holiday season begins to roll around again. Please, do not show up like, "I’m here and just about done with this sad show of people already"! Instead, develop a plan for your visits, making it easier for you to be with the ones that you love.
A plan that you can easily develop for your traditional get-togethers should be ideas such as an arrival time, how to respond to testy inquisitors, exit strategies, or how to be cordial with certain people is THE standard blueprint to remain stress-free and confident. Start with a plan and stick to it, no matter what! One successful method to start with is your intention and focus on your feelings and ways to keep calm in a stress-free environment.
Meditation is a good source for grounding intention. It refers to a family of self-regulation practices that focus on training attention and awareness in order to bring mental processes under greater voluntary control and thereby foster general mental well-being and development in specific capacities such as calm, clarity, and concentration (Roger Walsh & Shauna L. Shapiro 2006).” I like to practice a form of meditation known as Breath Therapy to bridge my intentions and refocus back to myself.

My second Holiday-Wellness Tip for a Sexual Abuse Survivor is surprisingly one that is the most forgotten about. At the major or minor holiday event with relatives or friends, ensure to establish support before you attend! Trust a holiday attendee that you can speak to directly about your level of comfort in regards to whichever festivity that you guys will be a part of.
It could be your spouse, a close relative, or friend that you can confide in. Use this time to be realistic about your situation and brutally honest about how you feel. As a sexual abuse survivor, a long and triggering explanation is unnecessary, and furthermore, it isn't owed to anyone. So keep your mission short and precise. What’s more important here is to receive support, just in case the exit door becomes your haven during the holiday season.
Oh boy, there are a lot of delicate topics to go around for more than two lifetimes, but for this holiday season, do yourself a favor and take this opportunity for the perfect time to completely zone out. For the present concerns of today, sensitive topics like the “me too” movement or the never-ending sight of the zillion sex scandals should be avoided as a sexual abuse survivor at this time..
All-in-all, these subjects on television can easily lead to unavoidable triggers. Besides the mere fact that a stranger’s sexual abuse case is easily discussed out in the open during the holidays, while potentially amid a sexual victim is being insensitive to others. Do not engage in sensitive topics!
As a sexual abuse survivor, always focus on shifting your awareness from sensitive topics to a form of positivity because the holiday season is for cheer and a year of closure.
After all, the reason why we come together for the holidays is to celebrate one another. This may be difficult as a sexual abuse survivor while in the presence of unwelcoming personalities. Nevertheless, remind yourself why you have chosen to be present amongst friends and family during this time.
A good point of reference to remember is your internal guidance, which brought you to the event in the first place. Your inner guidance is the strong-willed force that is backed up with the courage to follow through. We refer to this high gravitational space as gratitude, allowing us to be with friends and family again in the physical sense, such as for the holiday season.
Never hold your breath, but always remember to breathe through all circumstances during holiday traditions. Sometimes being in crowded areas as a sexual abuse survivor, you may need a break from visiting with family and friends, and this is okay. Make an excuse to use the restroom or just step away for a little while.
Go outside and breathe slowly through your nose and out through your mouth. Take this moment to give thanks for your ability to do this. No matter the excuse, always listen to your body. During the holiday gathering, if you are experiencing a sensation of overwhelming feelings, always remember that slow and deep breathing is a technique to alleviate stressors.

So, you do not have to talk the night away at holiday visits anymore, but instead, always remain in charge with My 5 Holiday-Wellness Tips for a Sexual Abuse Survivor: (1)an unbreakable plan, (2)back up support, (3)disengaging sensitive topics, (4)focus on gratitude, and (5) controlled breathing are destined to promote balance and well-being.
☤Your Reality in Balance begins at the very moment when work is placed forth by your intent to grow and change for the betterment of self, aiding in the improvement of mankind! Balance & Peace...
About the Author:
Shaw Nee Janelle is a
- Certified Holistic Health Practitioner
- Health & Wellness Consultant
- Spiritual Healer
- Author of “The Traditional Modalities for Healing”
- Blogger
- Owner of.realitynconsciousness.com.
"The meeting of meditative disciplines and western psychology: A mutually enriching dialogue"
(Roger Walsh & Shauna L. Shapiro 2006).
At this very moment, your health and lifestyle are directly guided by the growth and development stemmed from childhood teachings and observation. Both positive or negative have an enormous influence on future lifelong health with the right set of circumstances or a callous victimization mindset.
Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have found that the more stressors that an individual have experienced in their childhood are more likely to develop physical and emotional ailments in their adulthood. Traumatic episodes such as sexual abuse, mental illness in a parent, divorce, neglect, and domestic violence are linked to chronic related stress and obstacles. Chronic related stressors in the form of obesity and/or heart disease are responsible for a premature death that becomes a reality sooner than later.
As of recently and further acclaimed by Dr. Nadine Burke MD, who founded and is the charge of the Center for Youth Wellness in San Francisco, CA has spent over the years treating chronic stress and increasing awareness of childhood traumatic effects on long-term health, medically identified as Adverse Childhood Experiences. Here you may read the full extent of these findings at NY Times, or 2015 Ted Talk.
- ACES does have a lasting outcome on your HEALTH: diabetes, depression, STD’s, heart disease, cancer, stroke, COPD, suicide attempts, obesity, broken bones are the physical imbalances that will appear.
- ACES have a lasting effect in your BEHAVIOR: alcoholism, smoking, drug use, promiscuity, violence, mood swings.
- In the LIFE POTENTIAL sector of ACES it accedes to a lasting effect concerning graduation rates, academic achievements, lost time from work, and/or goal orientations.
Men/Women-*Before Making the Choice to Give Birth and Life:
- Assure safe, stable, nurturing relationships and atmosphere for all children.
of health conditions and on the development skills that
will guide children to reach their absolute potential.
- Classes and/or books regarding early childhood development; parenting courses, parenting training programs, violence prevention course.
- Sufficient income support
- High-quality childcare
- Mental illness, and substance abuse treatment
- Parent support programs for teens and teen pregnancy prevention programs will guide you to form conscious choices in life.
Many emotions that prohibit growth come from things that happened to us in the past that we have not faced or let go of. People walk through life hiding their true emotions to secure their feelings of safety because they have been taught by others to not show emotions that others consider inappropriate (Akua, 2010).
In Holistic Health, we relate our biochemical function made up of “emotions” to the effects of the body (brain matter). As you will see below how both positive and negative emotions lead to the functionality of our Organs.
- Honor, Joy, and Relief Generate the Heart
- Peace, Gentleness, and Agreeability Generate the Kidneys
- Kindness, Compassion, and Sympathy Regenerate the Liver
- Cooperation, Righteousness, and Victory Regenerate the Lungs
- Stress, Anxiety causes constriction and damages the Intestines and the Stomach
- Anger, Abuse, Frustration, Irritability, Jealously, Obsession, and Resentment can damage the Liver
- Excessive Sadness, Apathy, Boredom, Impatience, Depression, Despair, Despondency, Cruelty can injure the Heart and make the Blood Toxic
- Panic, Shock, Compulsion can injure the Spleen
- Fear, Anxiety, Confusion, Discouragement can injure the Kidneys
- Worry, Grief, Sorrow, Guilt, Denial can injure Lungs and Cervical Nerves
~Join Our Community Support Group
Once emotions are expressed, a healthy person is able to move forward without damaging their physical bodies with emotional baggage (Akua, 2010). Think about it, these individuals are searching for acceptance of their feelings of love and security in order to rebuild self-esteem. They are also searching to find a way to express their deep, inner emotions in a safe and supportive environment.
It begins with you. Commence with a greater sense of awareness of the inspiring attributes or deafening ailments which were passed on in mirror images. With this information, childhood trauma does not have to comprise your continued growth as an adult in an unhealthy manner.
Reality in Consciousness begins at the very moment as the work is placed forth by your intent to grow and change for the betterment of self, aiding in the improvement of mankind!
“Natural Health and Wellness: The Consultant Manual”, by Dr. Akua Gray
“How Childhood Trauma Can Affect Your Long-Term Health”, NY Times
“Adverse Childhood Experiences”, CDC

About the Author:
Shaw Nee Janelle is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Health & Wellness Consultant, Author of "The Traditional Modalities for Healing”, Blogger & Owner of.realitynconsciousness.com. In her blogs, she enjoys writing inspirational tips on Holistic Health, Self-Care, Afrikan Spirituality, and Sexual Abuse Awareness. She also loves travel, fitness, reading, and creating new vegan recipes.
ShawNee Janelle
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“In Naturopathy, the connection between the Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional bodies is the foundation for good health. One of my goals is to help restore & maintain a natural balance for the client.”
-ShawNee Janelle