❖ Protecting Your Children | from All Forms of Abuse“Too much love never spoils children. Children become spoiled when we substitute presents for presence”. ➠Let’s Talk!➠ *1 in 3 Women & 1 in 6 Men are sexually abused before the age of 18.
❖ Here we have laid out five straightforward ways to protect your child from all forms of abuse. The five tips for protecting children from all forms of abuse will seem like common-sense knowledge, but the statistics which reflect child sexual abuse today show negligence in this area. Due to stigma & trauma or both, people are not aware of these risks & how they can affect communities as a whole. When you ignore common-sense information, it does not mean that abuse or its awareness will fade away.
❖ 5 Tips for Protecting Your Children | from All Forms of Abuse
1) ➠ Talk with, NOT to, him/her:
An on-going dialogue, not just one single event about their safety as children, will shape critical thinking skills for your child. How to begin the conversation? CLICK HERE to read “A Parent’s Guide to Talking to Children About Safety.” 2) ➠ Start Early & Speak Often: What is too early to speak with your child about abuse? Every child’s stage of development will be different. So, use everyday situations to discuss safety, & allow space for children to ask questions. Click Here for “The Underwear Rule” & Tips from the U.S Department of Justice. 3) ➠ Watch for Changes in Your Child’s Behavior: If your child is reluctant about going to certain places or with certain people, ask questions. Notice their behavior after spending time alone outside of the home or with another individual before & after visits. Always be aware of the individuals that your child is developing a relationship with to ensure that it’s positive & inspiring.
5) ➠ Remove Fearful Tactics w/Parenting:
As a parent, bullying a child to talk will only constrict their learning & coping abilities. Gentle reminders that the child can speak about anything, & parent(s) are present & explicitly here for the child. It is highly advisable to build a strong relationship with children, with no excuses. Children learn from what they observe in their environments as parenting, not by what they are taught.
❖ "I Am Change”
Just like time, change is from the same essence of fruitful new beginnings.
I agree with the statement that when we begin to recognize our milestones as sexual abuse survivors, we can view them from a conscious level of peace and understanding.
A great circle that we all can relate to in life is the inevitable bigger picture that is changing for us now.
There are slopes, hills, curves, and straightaways on this wheel. "I Am Change" because I implement the directions on a conscious level. Change is to be angled to reveal the time it took to heal.
Change lies in all directions, and as a sexual abuse survivor, I can see the expansion of my experiences looking back at me.
❖Surviving to Thriving!
No matter where you are right now on your journey as a sexual abuse survivor, remember that there is more to you than what the eyes may perceive of yourself at this time. You are a Survivor-Stay in action on your healing journey every day and meditate on these concepts,"I Am Change !”
Visualize the Affirmation, see it in color or as shaded black and white, however, the mind perceives it, allowing for the current response to form naturally. Listen to yourself without judgment and begin to frequently journal this process as you transition the mind to a higher awareness of yourself.
Your Reality in Balance begins at the very moment as the will is placed forth by your intent to grow and change for the betterment of self, aiding in the improvement of mankind. I’ll see you guys the next time. Be well, heal, and Balance in peace-Peace!
“We have the power to pass stringent police laws to govern the Negroes-this is a blessing-for they must be controlled in some way or white people cannot live among them” (Alexander 2010,2012).
-Alabama planter
~Reality in Consciousness
Spiritual Warriors
In order to comprehend where one is headed toward in life, that individual has to understand the history of the land in which they stand on today. This is a reminder to the current and on-going circumstances that is deeply rooted inside of our communities, and by with this information, we can see that the solutions have always been here, but it is up to you to discover your past, present and near future to help revive our communities to a whole.
Miss-educated on the works of my ancestor’s past and present-future, before they were enslaved in the Americas still appears to be concealed in modern times today. The highlighted history of choice, chattel slavery, and as it is vagrantly established in February every year is still celebrated. Furthermore, museums in the Americas conveniently depict this “group” of “race” as enslaved savages, “born” free after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed in 1863 and documented on the U.S Census Bureau as flesh and blood in 1870. Are we symbolically being informed that prior to the enslavement, it is not worth the time to represent us holistically well and as the first “higher society” race/culture?
After re-learning the miss-education up to the university level, it was absolutely imperative for me to conduct my own research regarding my great ancestors, so that I may reveal their resilience to pass down to the generations to come after me.
With this ambition, they have shown me their great works still being applied today with the start of cultures and civilizations, evolved systems of government and systems of philosophy, theology, geography, math, language, writing, astrology, science, medicine, religion and so on and so forth.
Progress is made with resistance and is Continuous!
Upon my research through history, the celebration once called Jubilee, now formally titled Juneteenth has stirred thoughts on two separate testimonials that are being related today by black historians and the indigenous people of America called Washitaw Nation that I think you will find interesting to know.
Let’s begin with the most recognizable story of the Juneteenth celebration-
**There has always been recorded resistance toward the European colonizers by our ancestors in Africa and on the Americas soil against their enslavement. Meanwhile, unconsciousness is still very prominent today by those who choose to not research such intellectual properties produced by Dr. John Henrik Clark, a historian scholar in order to free your mind today. We did not wait for a bill nor a new law to be formally signed for our freedom, which is the misconception of the masses which lead to their dormant. Plus, most of us were already here on America’s soil before its desecration***

1831 | Nat Turner leads an uprising; more than 50 white people are killed.
1847 | Fredrick Douglas launches the anti-slavery newspaper, The North Star
1850 | The Fugitive Slave Act, a law passed by the U.S congress, allows the capture and return of slaves to their owners.
1852 | Harriet Beecher Stowe publishes Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a best-selling novel and the major influence on the anti-slavery movement.
1857 | The Supreme Court decision that Dread Scott was a slave, not a citizen, and could not sue in a federal court
1861 | The confederate bombardment of Fort Sumter in South Carolina marked the beginning of the U.S Civil War
1863 | Abe Lincoln, the 16th U.S president, issued the Emancipation Proclamation decreasing an end to slavery
1865 | February 1st, Abe Lincoln signs the 13th Amendment to the U.S Constitution outlawing slavery in the U.S
The impressive legislative achievements of this period include the Thirteenth Amendment, abolishing slavery (besides state prisoners- my emphasis); The Civil Rights Act of 1866, bestowing full citizenship upon African-Americans; The Fourteenth Amendment, prohibiting states from denying citizens due process and “equal protection of laws”; The Fifteenth Amendment; Providing that the right to vote should not be denied on account of race; and the Klu Klux Klan Acts, which, among other things, declared interference with voting a federal offense and the violent infringement of civil rights a crime (2010,2012 Alexander).
1865 | June 19th, two years after the Emancipation Proclamation, enslaved African-Americans in Texas finally receives news of their emancipation
1866 | the first Juneteenth celebration was brought about in Texas for remembrance with events such as, political speeches, sporting events, fireworks, parties, symbolic walk, and more. By 1870, 50 freedom colonies were in Texas cities and had purchased land to hold these celebrations.
By the early 1900s | Juneteenth’s vibrant energy had spread and reached across states.
1936 | Antonio Smith, head of Dallas Negro Chamber of Commerce was declined permission by the state to construct a mural dedicated to the Juneteenth celebration at the state fair grounds. Smith obtained a grant anyways and developed “The Hall of Negro Life” where 46,000 African-Americans participated at the state fair grounds.

1800s | a nation of indigenous people took the U.S to court. The Washitaw set out to prove land sold during the Louisiana Purchase did not belong to France, Spain, nor the U.S.
The rightful owners were the Washitaw De Dugdahmoudyyah-
Heirs of Nat Turner vs. U.S. The land known today as Washitaw property or Ouchita (Poverty Point) Louisiana, just outside of Monroe was returned to its rightful owners. The date the Washitaw heard their case had been won was June 19th, 1848, 15 years before the Emancipation Proclamation. Slave owners in the south decided to “share” the news of freedom to those they enslaved to offset the victory of the Washitaw Nation, the oldest recognized people on the North American continent. For more information, click Here: --> Washitaw De Dugdahmoudyyah
Remove the Distraction
As you come to your own conclusions to whether or not if your ancestors were already here in the Americas long before the Europeans had arrived, or to remember the ancestors who were emancipated in the year of 1863 and/or both. Where I stand, the ignorance of the reader will blindly celebrate just one small piece of history served by those who “control” this narrative regardless of the shame without discovering his/her own past. The police-shootings, and outright racism against the African people today still being perpetuated in society is to distract you from the greatness of the ancestors who you’ve forgotten about. So, then please do yourself and the community a great virtue and study your history outside of “history”.
Be Well & Heal in Peace…. Peace!
Written by S.J
Source: History of Juneteenth
Source:The Real history of Juneteenth
Source: “The New Jim Crow” by Michelle Alexander, 2010,2012 Copyright
Source:Juneteenth Timeline
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“In Naturopathy, the connection between the Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional bodies is the foundation for good health. One of my goals is to help restore & maintain a natural balance for the client.”
-ShawNee Janelle