Since the Environmental Protection Agency was founded in 1970, 134 pesticides have stopped being used in the United States, and 37 have been outlawed. The systemic spraying of pesticides introduces harmful chemicals to be absorbed by a plant when applied to its seeds, soil, or leaves. The chemicals then circulate through the plant's tissues, killing the insects that feed on them. Some pesticides are dangerous to human health. Pesticides are linked to a list of long-term illnesses such as prostate, lung, thyroid, and bone cancer; diabetes; Parkinson's disease, asthma, and macular degeneration. See the source information linked below. |
Dr. Akua Gray, “The Most Contaminated Fruits and Vegetables Chart”
1. Celery 2. Spinach 3. Potatoes 4. Sweet red bell pepper 5. Lettuce 6. Carrots 7. Green beans 8. Hot peppers 9. Cucumbers |
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines pesticides as any chemical substance used to regulate, prevent, or destroy plants or pests. Pesticides are used throughout the world as mixtures called formulations, such as Roundup, a glyphosate-based weed killer tested as the most toxic herbicide and insecticide with carcinogenic properties.
Reduce contamination by shopping at local food markets where organic produce is sold, buy organic fruits and vegetables, or grow your produce at home. Eating organic fruits and vegetables from the produce section or grown at home means that you are ingesting high amounts of vitamins, minerals, and fiber needed for balance.
Natural, whole, or organic food's connection to health and wellness can be easy for us to relate. As with all organic foods, none are grown or handled using genetically modified organisms prohibited by USDA organic standards.
Natural Health and Wellness: The Consultant Manual, by Akua Gray
U.S. States that Use the Most (and Least) Glyphosate
Pesticides explained: the toxic chemicals in up to 70% of produce
What are Natural, Organic Foods?
How To Shop for Natural, Organic Foods
Major Pesticides Are More Toxic to Human Cells Than Their Declared Active Principles
The USA lags behind other agricultural nations in banning harmful pesticides
?HAPPY Earthday♁ to all of the ♑️ Caps (capricorn) celebrating the ending of year 2020, and the beginning year of 2021! Capricorn signs represent perseverance, determination, future oriented, cultivating, building, and more. Capricorn’s elemental force is ♁ Earth and they’re ruled by the planet ♄Saturn. The Area of Life for ♑️ is the 10th house, which relates to future legacy, work, and career.
In this Voodoo Tarot Spread, ♑️celebrating birthdays can either discover or become more aware of their Essential Qualities for inspiration and Balance to endure for many years to come.
♑️ Planet Rulership: ♄ ♑️ Elemental Force: ♁ ♑️ Day Rulership: Saturday ♑️ Primary Color Signature: Deep Red ♑️ Area of Life: 10th House: Cultivating, Perseverance, Committed, Future Oriented ♑️ +Characteristics: Practical, Reliable, Respectful ♑️ -Characteristics: Cautious, Egotistical, Unforgiving ♑️ Opposite Sign: ♋️ Cancer ♑️ Tarot Card: XV Courir Le Mardi Gras ♑️ Associated Deity: HERU Current Retrogrades: Uranus rx, |
The ♑️ Capricorn | Voodoo Tarot Spread will be a quick 6-Card Reading using the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot deck. You can also visit my website www.realityinbalance.com for moreNew Orleans Voodoo Tarot Readings and/or Holistic Health Tips.
This card indicates pride, fierceness, and impulsivity as your persona. Since these characteristics reflect a personality trait, it is best not to react in this manner. Although it would be a challenge to remove these traits all at once, don't give up on them at 100%. Petro Hougan is the fire that keeps on burning, but only with your intent.
Capricorn, you should place your determination internally. To turn inward will naturally give release to the impulsivity and fire nature mentioned once above. Guedeh can see his faults through his actions by the dark knight of the soul illustrated in this voodoo tarot card.
❖ New Orleans Voodoo Tarot Readings
❖ The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot | BasicS
“Papa Azaka presides over the ancient, profound bonds between earth and agriculture people.”
- Judika Illes
Hey you guys! Welcome back to Reality in Balance, where today we’ll draw two cards from the New Orleans Voodoo deck to forecast the energy of the day. If this is your first time over here, please be sure to like the video and subscribe to our YouTube channel, Reality in Balance.
Let’s get into the primary aspects of Papa Azaka (country cousin) represented in The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot deck. Because he upholds the web of kinship, Papa Azaka traces ties back to the land. He is a potent lwa, and his realm lies between the earth and agricultural people. Papa Azaka projections are a humbled, hard worker always wearing ragged clothing.
Country Cousin, Azaka has two aspects within the Malkulth vessel. In Rada, his persistence in the face of challenges is served at a great price to achieve success. Where in Petro, Papa Azaka portrays the fiery elements of sex through his smoking pipe. In this way, the ability to inflame the soul against all odds are in pursuit. Azaka, in both forms, is forever persisting for the heart of the land to protect farmers and laborers who sweat for their bread, Ase.
How to Shop for Natural, Organic Foods
Eating healthier is what we all strive to do consistently to feel better on the inside and to maintain homeostasis in our body. Therefore, your natural, organic shopping experience begins in the produce section of the grocery store for natural, organic foods. Shopping in the produce section is where eating healthy becomes a lifestyle. If the first go-to meal in the morning is at a local coffee shop for java and a pastry, and the last meal of the day is a fast-food drive-thru, then you're consuming artificial colors, flavoring, processed, and denatured foods at significantly high levels. Especially true for people with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and hyperactive irregularities, such as ADHD. |
9**** is Organic Produce
8**** is Genetically Modified Produce 4**** and 3**** are Conventional Produce grown with approved pesticides |
The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the more important it is to buy organically grown produce. The difference between organic and conventional produce is the number of pesticides used to defend against insects while the plant is in the growing stage.
❖ Look for the Natural or Organic produce labeling with the print, Certified by the USDA
❖ Shop for whatproduce is in season- it will more likely to be on sale
❖ Do not purchase wilted, rotten fruits and vegetables
❖ Shop for fruits and vegetables often, once or twice a week to maintain its good quality
12/13/2020 0 Comments
The NEW MOON IN SAGITTARIUS | December 14th, 2020 | THE FINALE | Voodoo Tarot Reading
The NEW MOON IN ♐️ SAGITTARIUS | December 14th, 2020 | THE FINALE | Voodoo Tarot Reading
Welcome back to ❖ Reality in Balance, and happy New Moon in ♐️Sagittarius ! So, this is the final New Moon for 2020 that will amplify our desires with the power of the total solar eclipse above us.
If this is your first time here, please like and share this video, and subscribe to our YouTube channel, Reality in Balance.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of ♐️ Sagittarius will engage us in the areas where we feel the most challenged or where we’ve done the most work in life thus far.
It’s a 3-CARD collective Voodoo Tarot Reading that will coincide with the aspects of:
❖EXPLORING LIFE~ Past Energy ❖EXPANDING LIFE~ Present Energy And, ❖GREATER PERSPECTIVE~ Future Energy |
♐️ VOODOO TAROT CARD: XIV Ti Bon Ange ♐️ COLOR: Purple ♐️ DAY: Thursday ♐️ ELEMENT: △ ♐️ RULERSHIP: 9th House, gaining wisdom ♐️ OPPOSITE SIGN: ♊️ ♐️ DEITY: NWT ☉ : ♐️ ♐️ FINAL NEW MOON TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE~ 2020 ? ☌ ☿ ⎋ RETROGRADES: Chiron rx, Uranus rx
We’ll discover all three aspects of the New Moon in ♐️ using The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot deck and the Moonology Oracle Tarot cards for The Finale of 2020!
All of my tarot card general readings are for entertainment purposes only, but are focused on both dual planes to bring balance to the collective society despite the supposed opposition that leads with their divisive tactics to our physical existence, by spiritual warfare. |
In this Voodoo Tarot Reading, a mutual benefit between two people began, and now both individuals have access to explore life to the fullest in the past/current setting with strengthening power. Both share knowledge freely. Being devoted to working together in our relationships will take on a special role that will benefit us moving forward into 2021. Nan Nan Bouclou is an ancient root loa and warrior that represents the Grand Mother who utilizes medicines of the Earth as divine gifts. She's emphasized as a creator and healer in the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot deck.
In our current energy setting, with the New Moon being in Sagittarius, we are expanding in life with proper, sound judgment at this time. There’s no other way of putting it that once we can inspire ourselves to look within for the full measure of our circumstances, the truth will be found. In this Voodoo Tarot reading, ManMan Brigitte represents a renowned judge and lawyer. Use this time wisely to go deeper within.
As we enter the year 2021 with a greater perspective for the New Moon in the Sagittarius cycle, our willingness to stand ground on truth is here more now than ever. Oggoun’s message is clear here dealing with Earthly matters. In the future/current setting, we'll be threatened by direct forces of adversity. We can tap into a wise agreement with each other to remain solid in form for the forthcoming future. Just as mentioned earlier, in our devotion to spiritual practice under wise judgment, we can transcend opposition for the betterment of the general collective in the now and generations after to come.
In the divine will for balance, truth, and fearless actions, I give thanks to my Ancestors for guiding me through, Ase. CategoriesAll |
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“In Naturopathy, the connection between the Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional bodies is the foundation for good health. One of my goals is to help restore & maintain a natural balance for the client.”
-ShawNee Janelle