As Above, So Below- As Within, So Without- African Proverb Are you measuring your relationships by good or bad experiences? Think about a relationship break-up for a moment, and how you view it from the beginning to the final stages. Were you able to experience the relationship’s high and low points that were instrumental for personal growth? What if I told you that the relationships that we’re forming today with one another are projected from the unconscious mind? Well, today's topic is going to be about the shadow reflection of the unconscious and how it’s projected out into our world, environment, and especially in relationships.
Reflections of you are from the shadowy side of the unconscious mind, composed of your weaknesses and limitations (and the greater aspects of the All- intuition). Sometimes they look like monsters to us and can be cast as our enemies in life. You are fearful of them because what you don’t understand is that these mental projections have full control to create harmful situations from the parts of ourselves that haven’t been healed or fully developed with empathy. |
Reflections of You
The unconscious mind functions through our thoughts, feelings, how we talk to and treat ourselves and other people. As you become more aware of this side of your shadow-self as reflections of you, the natural laws of nature will correspond to you on a higher level for a true transformation.
Please, leave us a comment below, telling us your thoughts on this topic. Have you seen the movie Inception yet, are you aware of the functions of the unconscious mind, and how it orchestrates our reality from the unseen world?
8/19/2018 0 Comments
“What You Think, You Become” | Visualization | & | The 3 Methods of Power, Imaging & Reaction!
“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t- you’re right.”
Henry Ford
~Reality in Consciousness
Yes, you already do it throughout the day, to say the least. Well, as a matter of fact, before there is any physical activity to be carried out, you must first observe it in the mind. The set information of Power (positive words), Image (i-magi) & Reaction is a “reenactment” of the soul preparation for an ignited systematical duty or purpose. Allow me to describe what I mean in regards to how one may create their reality by way of thought forms which is the willpower of visualization.
I’ll draw your attention to the moments of awakening for the day from a night’s rest. First, the mind computes the body to the necessary tasks to conduct prior to opening up your eyes. Next, your body triggers the best solution by imaging for this current charge. Finally, an emotion whether neutral, happy, sad, etc. is then conveyed, all just within a few nanoseconds. Most of the time, we rise out of bed by sitting up to swing our legs off of it without even “thinking about it”. Depending on many internal factors that literally surrounds this individual(click to view-“How to Understand Your Spiritual-Self” Blog Post), either the mind (universal) is in the sway of each thought, each thought controls the mind or both. Meaning that this individual may empower their unique conditions, but can gradually change it if willed to do so with a keen focus.
Naturally, how one pursues its start & end to the so-called “twenty-four-hours” can set the tone for a vibrational-frequency of awareness throughout the day. Before any individual can consider attaining prosperity, “what you think, you become”, will have to be integrated with a holistic nature in the whole precision for a crystal clear visualization method to function.
Therefore, before applying these methods for visualizing, know that it is not a solution for a disorderly lifestyle. It is necessary to fix your lifestyle beforehand so that your lifestyle supports your visualization. Now will your technique of visualizing become stronger, then will your lifestyle grow especially befitting.
With that being said, if one stumbles in the area of life where chaotic behaviors persist, according to Dandapani, a Hindu priest whose motivational short clip I came across about how to control your thoughts, he mentions that there are three things that stump an individual’s empowerment; Which is fear, guilt, & doubt. So, here one can learn how the mind works because once you know how the mind works, you can control it, & once you know how to control it, you can focus it & concentrate it on something you may or may not understand.
Thoughts are pulsed electrical charges within the bioelectrical circuitry of the brain. In accordance with quantum entanglement, where energies act upon one another coactively, all pulsed electrical charges generate information. Therefore, thought-based information is a form of matter that’s continually shared at billions of times the speed of light in the quantum vacuum of zero point. We may, however, make our thoughts intentional, & direct them to specific sources (Mincolla,2013).
Thoughts are comprised of atoms. Thoughts generate low frequencies that emit vibrating waves. The human brain generally produces frequencies in the range of 4-30hz, which is a lower exponent of the extremely low radio frequency or ELF range (3-30hz) once used to communicate with submarines. Unconscious thought-wave vibrations are omnidirectional-they’re transmitted in all directions. The Conscious intention, however, generate a more powerful wave vibration & is unidirectional-they’re transmitted in only one direction (Mincolla,2013). It has been proven that unfocused thoughts can be hazardous to the individual’s mental & emotional state of existence.
Acute stress typically results in powerful engrams (trapped memory patterns) in the unconscious mind that continue to transmit neurodegenerative brain signals that will literally rot your brain. Neuroplasticity research proceed with the findings that positive mind-reformatting exercises rehearsed with regularity can, over time, reformat & help generate one’s nerve pathways (Mincolla,2013). As I do speak a little bit more about this in my previously written Blog here.
The law of practice is defined by becoming superior at whatever it is one practice, whether it’s positive or negative, it doesn’t matter. When an individual practice something over again, then they’ll be magnificent at it. So this is why some people are so great with distraction is because it is what they practice on a day-to-day basis.
To be focused is to be able to keep your awareness on one thing for an extended period of time. The best way to evoke this skill is to bring that practice into your everyday life. Start with opportunities throughout your day, preferably morning, noon, and/or bedtime to practice visualizing goals. When you are able to concentrate on the visualization method, you are able to focus all your energy into a single given point.
Most individuals lack the sense of visualizing prosperity is for two reasons; They do not practice, & was not taught how to. Life is a manifestation of where one’s energy is flowing, & if you cannot focus your energy, the things that you want to manifest in your life becomes extremely challenging.
*All three methods of force should be performed simultaneously*
Power(Positive Words)
As one announces out loud the positive words to them self, be concise & willful during these moments of addressing “I Am”, “I Will”, & “I Can” phrases that are strengthened by spoken words & coincide with the interpret visualization. An example of this can be if one is looking to purchase a new home or move into a more comfortable neighborhood. A good Mantra to voice in the morning and/ or before bed could be “I can own a new home”, or “I will a new place of residency.” Keep in mind with focus & practice how all three methods of force should be performed simultaneously, beginning first with the command words.
Image a Clear Visual
Method (3)
Reaction: Corresponding Emotion (energy in motion)
Emotion is defined as a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstance. They’re based on intuitive feelings from mood, environment, relationships, etc. Raising one’s vibration to reside with the inspired state of emotion doesn’t require a professional actor to live out this experience for visualizing a form of true purpose. A clear intent of this expression is developed through visualizing to feel real.
For instance, what is the emotion after seeing oneself finalizing all of that required paperwork to obtain a new home? What is your sense of the new neighborhood? What is the feeling as you drive through the new community? What is your experience just as you arrive at the home? Is the emotion gratification where you jump in excitement or cry tears of joy? Go further with this technique. What does the home’s key feel like inside of your hand? What is the sense as the door is open, walking through each room? To prevail, one will magnify all occurrences by actually utilizing energy in motion with the Power Words, Imaging & more importantly in the Corresponding Reaction method.
It is the feeling that manipulates & bring the will at hand into existence. How strong is the conviction, so that what one is seeing in the mind’s eye is going to ground whether or not it’s brought into this reality?
Believing is Seeing
All three methods of Power (positive words),Imaging & Reaction all require a steady effort, & this achievement is met with willpower! With precision, one will set a clear intent by the functions of affirming a purpose with powerful Positive Words, seeing through objects by Visualizing a particular space and/or change, all tying into the Correlation of Energy in Motion which befits the willful “What you think, you Become.”
Reality in Consciousness begins at the very moment as the work is placed forth by your intent to grow and change for the betterment of self, aiding in the improvement of mankind!
Thank you again for staying in tuned to reality in consiousness on this week’s segment on “What You Think, You Become” | Visualization | & | The 3 Methods of Power, Imaging & Reaction!
Please be sure to Check-Out All of My Other Social Media Platforms Linked Below.
Until the Very Next Point in time,
Be Well & Heal in Peace…Peace!!!
Written by: S.J
***Stay Tuned in to reality in consciousness by simply Clicking on the Links Below!
~The Traditional Modalities for Healing by: Reality S.J Fields
“Whole Health” by: Mark Mincolla, Ph.D.
“How to Control Your Mind” by: Dandapani
“The Power of Emotion When Manifesting” by: Minister Ju
S.J is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor, Health & Wellness Consultant, Author of “The Traditional Modalities for Healing”, Blogger & owner of In her Blogs, she enjoys writing Inspirational Tips about the utilization of Holistic Tools, such as Mindfulness, Awareness of the inner-self & its environment, weekly Affirmations for Sexual Abuse Survivors, & Afrikan Spirituality. She also loves reading, travel, fitness, & creating new vegan recipes.
“My life reflects the level of the words I speak. Today I am transforming my life to express my higher good through energizing healing words.”
Queen Afua
~Reality in

The Power of an “I am” absorbs the will of being to evolve self-expression & wellness. In this expression or form of transparency, a reality in consciousness goes beyond its plane of physical submission. The words are a reflection of the being who transforms its hidden insight out into physical matter. The “I am” flows in the true nature of the divine source & a reminder to always speak with light & love.
The•Haiku• Affirmations•NowCommands• Mantras
Physical reality is based on vibration, therefore all things are built on subtle particles such as atoms, electrons, neutrons & are in a constant state of vibration. Furthermore, all vibrations generate sound waves, such as the tone of your voice, the chirping bird, music, rocks, water, air, fire, earth & so-on & so-forth. The level of vibration varies from one to all, & through that vibration, everything is interconnected by way of that vibration.
The Word symbolizes the Power of sound, but the true strength lies in the heart’s intention. For every thought that a person puts out through sound, visualization, & emotion, it returns to the person who initiated it. When our thoughts are focused on the physical plane the externalization of that thought has to be balanced through individual actions.
Power Words give you the strength to communicate honestly, creatively, & holistically through every aspect of your life. It teaches you to speak words that build, rejuvenate, & and to heal yourself & others. Repeat these words throughout your day to become one with your divine self. As you speak these Words of Power, know that no one can take your brilliance away from you, for the source of your light is the Infinite All, Divine-Creator.
Imagine the Affirmations you say daily for yourself because one can speak on the higher-vibrating frequency plane of wellness or the lower vibrating plane into sickness. So even if you had a traumatic day, you can change the words around to make your life work for you. Take the higher plane of vibration. Say, “That was a very challenging day, but I am victorious because I am still standing!” We choose the words we say, & one must recognize the Power they carry. Always look for that Word that will help to recharge your Spirit. That is the Power of the Word. You choose & create your world through the words that you speak. So if you’re constantly saying words like, “I don’t have. I am tired. I can’t make it”, then you carry all that energy in your aura.
Words like those wear your Spirit down & wear you down. When you speak conscious words, you are speaking yourselves into Power, wellness & healing. Making the Word of Power is freeing your mind of wasted thoughts, disturbing emotions, exhausted inhibitions & aligning the being to the true essence of self. Words of Power builds up your confidence so that it will be difficult for anything to go “wrong” in your life.

Shaw Nee Janelle is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Health & Wellness Consultant, Author of “The Traditional Modalities for Healing”, Blogger & Owner In her blogs, she enjoys writing inspirational tips on Holistic Health, Affirmations, Self-Care, Afrikan Spirituality, Sexual Abuse Awareness and more. She also loves travel, fitness, reading, and creating new vegan recipes.
"Sacred Woman", by Queen Afua"
“The Power of Imagination & the Mastery of Fate”, by Dr. Alim El-Bey
Whether if one perceives their formed relationships to be deemed as either “good” or “bad” in their lives or not, in any case, these attracted interactions are presented from the projections of the truest self, the unconscious mind. This is brought abought by the level of consciousness the individual has mentally structured at the specific season of awareness. To foresee your present journey through Reality in Consciousness at any time is revealed by the connections from those around you. This awareness stands for the seen and unseen interconnections with family, friends, acquaintances, husbands, wives, children, and so. Relationships are very enlightening and inspiring in that regard as you attract the hidden magic behind the sub-consciousness mind.
The cosmos and creation pull individuals and circumstances into your life and at specific moments to reflect or deal with the distinctive unconscious, the hidden self in darkness you need to make consciousness within the self before you can attract any higher spiritual states.
All things in your life are outlooks from the shadow side of your own intellect. Then again, life is about full responsibility. When you take a look around, your keen perceptiveness of the world is depicted from within your own mind. The way in which it became present, is from your own cognitive filters.
The universe does naturally gravitate to change; it is the universal way of the order for balance. Life happens for all from the inside out. So, in order to change anything, you must transmute the inner dwellings of the self. When a state or condition occurs that you don’t agree with, it was drawn to you from the interior programming.
The shadow expression is a part of the unconscious mind composed of weaknesses, limitations, and instinct. It will often cast its personal weaknesses or faulty perceptions of someone else. Provided that these “all mental” projections remain disregarded in your recognition, the unconscious will have full control to create a harmful situation, which may comfort the shadow self, but ultimately bring forth pain and hardship for the receiver of these projections. When an individual can’t let go of bitterness and steadily nursing anger by frequently focusing on everything that the opposite person is achieving or is doing wrong, then this matter is extensive and relates to needs not being carried out and/or wounds from previous relationships that haven’t completely ran its course and process for releasing or maybe reactivation.
Have the courage to examine the shadow self and receive it as being a foundational aspect of who you are. Again, life is about taking the responsibility for your universal evolution by owning the fact that you have magnetized this reality. As you change your inner self, the outer elements of the divine self will find you through clarity on a higher level of consciousness. The solution is the approval of the shadow self as you do your light-bearing work, allowing a natural scale of balance between the both. See my BLOG Archives for additional info on this subject and more….
Please, leave a comment….
What are your thoughts in regards to the subconscious mind as its relevance to the spiritual body or all subtle bodies?
Have you studied The Way of the Five Bodies?
Written by: S.j
Stay Tuned into Reality….
***Stay Tuned in to reality in consciousness by simply Clicking on the Links Below!
~The Traditional Modalities for Healing by: Reality S.J Fields
S.J is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor, Health & Wellness Consultant, Author of “The Traditional Modalities for Healing”, Blogger & owner of In her Blogs, she enjoys writing Inspirational Tips about the utilization of Holistic Tools, such as Mindfulness, Awareness of the inner-self & its environment, weekly Affirmations for Sexual Abuse Survivors, & Afrikan Spirituality. She also loves reading, travel, fitness, & creating new vegan recipes.
Just this morning, I was listening in to a podcast discussion regarding some very insightful thoughts based loosely of the idea on how to remain diligent while living out our day-to-day purpose in life. It was an interactive build derived from how few people have taken the time to master the absolute essence of self that will designate a much greater Reality in Consciousness, by bridging key components for those individuals today. At least, this was my argument for that matter through preceding experiences, and in addition to the unconscious and foundational unawareness of the multi-dimensional self…In other words, people want to know too much, and don’t do enough with what they already know or choose to ignore…
Those who are in the “knowing” realm of existence, remains grounded in purpose and will naturally gravitate to an understanding of an abundant course of spiritual developments in their life as they rise above challenges. “Knowing” begins with the progression of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual actuality of the self. For instance, the physical aspect is what’s required to stay healthy for the body; The mental is “You are what you think you are;” The Emotional self is the capacity to allow the practical knowledge of the full extent of emotions without attachment; Your spiritual expression is mastering the emotional and mental realms to enable total harmony. So, without fostering these essences, the individual will feel displaced in all things.
The universe has supplied an immeasurable keystone of knowledge to remain grounded through your spiritual developments in a very simple manner. I found that it’s the individual’s inconsistent approach to these tools that can bring about a deter in spiritual elevation and an on-going confusion surrounding life. This could be why. Implemented carefully in the novel The Thunder of Silence, written by Joel S. Goldsmith, the author examines the fall of man.
“In the beginning, there was only one state of consciousness, the spiritual, but ever since the so-called Fall, man has been divided into three states of consciousness-the material, mental, and spiritual. Spiritual consciousness, when made flesh, is the perfect, immortal body, but few of all the billions of people who have lived on this planet have achieved spiritual consciousness, very few” (pp63).
To return back to a balanced state of awareness in this life is for you to begin to study the essences of an evolving self through your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual developments. This study is essential and nourishing for your daily living and purpose. To begin entering into an unwavering state of reality, I’d like to suggest these three grounding instruments to prevail in divine purpose as a set foundation from here on out until the clock stops for you.
Meditation ~ I cannot express enough the significance of quieting the mind, for many are cognitively imbalanced from the lack of this daily ritual. Here you can find the answers to all things because meditation leads to a deeper understanding and expressions of a higher form of self. To meditate in bath or shower water is powerful in grounding!
Eliminate Stress~ The second suggested grounding tool will innately amplify spiritual awareness after the depletion of worry and denial. Eliminating stress is defined by removing any tension surrounding your life. The purge of fear will need to take effect within the self for grounding purposes. This does not mean for you to disregard known mistakes, but for you to ideally reflect on those experiences through wisdom and enlightenment. A critical disposition toward the self is not in alignment with your purpose. Therefore, it is vital to remember that in every difficult task, there is a lesson to be learned for you.
Nature~ Regularly spent time in nature has profound benefits for your physical, emotional, mental, social and psychological well-being. Experiencing nature will enable you to shift your attention beyond the domains of your ego and to recognize that you are spiritually connected to the universe. The greater your communion with nature the more spiritually at one you all are with The Most- High Divine Creator.
Practice these principals to remain grounded in all of your activities for they will revitalize the truest essences of the self. Yes, they are very simple and are easily forgotten without making a commitment to change a low vibrational state of consciousness and paradigm.
“When we come to the point where the mind is governed by the self, we will be embraced in a peace that passes understanding. Then we do not control the body or the mind, but the activity of the truth in our consciousness, of which we become aware through the mind, keeps the mind clear, clean, harmonious, and vital; and it in its turn manages, controls, and governs the body, acting as the purifying agent of both mind and body. There is a spiritual center within every one of us, and in that center is stored up our entire spiritual heritage. This center is not within the body, but in our consciousness, and we can draw out of the infinity of our consciousness all that is necessary for our unfoldment from this day unto the end of the world and beyond it into infinity” (pp65).
Written by: Reality S.J Fields
Stay in Tuned to Reality
***Stay Tuned in to reality in consciousness by simply Clicking on the Links Below!
~The Traditional Modalities for Healing by: Reality S.J Fields
Source: Goldsmith S. Joel, The Thunder of Silence,
Harper & Row, Publications, Inc. NY, NY.1961
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“In Naturopathy, the connection between the Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional bodies is the foundation for good health. One of my goals is to help restore & maintain a natural balance for the client.”
-ShawNee Janelle