The Affirmations For A Sexual Abuse Survivor | Extraction Point▷ ♡ More⇢ Inspiring Affirmations △Sexual Abuse Awareness △Holistic Health Tips Hey everyone! I just wanted to come on here to talk about the affirmations that I developed a few years ago. To be honest with you all, I’ve been re-editing these affirmations for the past year- this whole year, I’ve been going over each one to match a higher frequency where I am today. If you're familiar with my blog, there’s a section for affirmations for sexual abuse survivors, which entails 52 well-thought-out relatable words of power, including a unique summary of inspiration. I don’t want to be on here writing all day because I want to get to the point so you guys can understand where I was coming from when I developed these affirmations around 2015-2016. Like anyone else who starts journaling about beginning a new life or finds a new way to express themselves, I thought it was necessary to experience a different way to release from the past. TRANSFORMATIONAt that particular point in my life in 2015, I was exhausted, completely fed up with hiding from my true self. A transformation took place around the same time when I changed my eating habits and started to exercise routinely. I felt that my life was going OK because I always had something going on, studying, or was working multiple jobs leading up to a goal. There was just this one big piece of the puzzle missing from my life, and it was to release from childhood traumas. What stood out the most was childhood sexual abuse. Yes, I sought counseling and participated in sexual abuse survivor groups, but for me, it wasn't solving the intricate pieces to the whole puzzle. I needed to find what was missing. SURVIVORA long story short, I love to write. Whenever I wrote during a downtime, it was always words of inspiration. I like to compare affirmations for a sexual abuse survivor to the book of Proverbs. I don’t care what anyone says about the comparison, it's how I feel. If you were to go through each affirmation, then you will also see the true revelation for the insights of a higher power speaking through me. I created The Affirmations for a sexual abuse survivor blog to take back my power and break the generational curses. After all, I only have this one life to live in now, and I couldn’t live with myself in denial about what had occurred. Children are affected the most when we are silent about our abuse because they are the most vulnerable. It’s up to us to reverse the curse. Yes, children are the future, and in parenting, your children are unique and should be protected at all costs. I say all of this because I’ve become triumphant with healing myself. If you would only know how far I’ve come along in my life, from the lower depths of desperation to seeing and being the light at the end of a long tunnel. You would’ve never been able to guess the self-destruction that I was leading. I never gave up on myself, and because of this mindset, even in harm's way, I was always protected. I am grateful for the learned wisdom, and although it wasn't easy, I am happy with myself today. A release date for the completed version of affirmations for sexual abuse survivors is underway, along with an added gift. I see this book in the hands of therapists, practitioners, group therapy, survivors, and worldwide. CONCLUSIONIf you made it to the end of this blog, leave me a question or comment because I would surely appreciate your feedback. Maybe there’s something that I left out that I am unaware of relating to the affirmations. Very soon, January 2022, I’m picking back up where I left off with my education in the institutional sector of learning and will be busy again, in a good way. You know us Geminis have to keep our brain active, or we’ll be easily bored. In the meantime, feel free to go back and reread the affirmations for sexual abuse survivors' blogs that are still viewable for now, but also remember that they've transformed over time because of the re-edits that I’m currently working on today. Categories All Affirmations For A Sexual Abuse Survivor African/Indigenous Spirituality Afrikan Spirituality ASTROLOGY TAROT SPREADS Essential Oil Profiles Healers Healing In The Now Holistic Health Tips Metaphysics PLANETARY TAROT SPREADS Sexual Abuse Awareness Tarot Cards Therapeutic Self Care Talk with you soon! Be Well, Healed, and Balance in peace, peace!
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♡ AFFIRMATIONS | For A Sexual Abuse SurvivorThe footway from my tracks leads with a positive print in every space. It’s where I can look up into the sky and see the birds afar, and recall that there’s no limit to the courses that I can make. -ShawNee Janelle ♡Thank you again for visiting Reality in Balance as we come together for “I Am On Track” from this multiple part series on Affirmations | for a Sexual Abuse Survivor | Part 49. You can find additional Inspiration & discover more about me at Reality in The length of this series, which is set for 52 weeks is for you to become more familiar with your strengths and weaknesses as a sexual abuse survivor. I encourage everyone to go at their own pace & to know that the doors will always remain open for questions as a community or individually towards your healing. ➠ If you are currently being sexually violated in any way please inform an adult at this time immediately. For your discretion, there are 24/7 Hotlines available for questions or aid here@, or please also check with your local county for other resources and advice for your safety.
➠ Let’s Begin with the Affirmation for Week 49! Peace of mind is felt when I wake up in the morning and exert myself. Every course of action thus taken is a distinct pathway leading me to experience the force of nature. In my footprints, I can see it as the only wager. I see no point in turning back to old pathways. Instead, I can begin a new day by walking toward warm sunlight allowing the shadows to dance astray. Staying on track will be received en route by guiding lights. Sometimes I feel the imprints on my life, while other times, I’ll have to climb.
I rise after each hurdle. The repeated laps on a track around and around again reveal disheartening foothills because I was not yet learning this skill.
At a steady pace, I Am on the track of all the checkpoints that I've traced. The future is revealed with new passages every day. I can see all directions when I slow down in the presence of this one lane. I’m holding the baton in my hand and can visualize a finish line on a track to bring peace to my life again ➠ SURVIVING To THRIVING
♡ No matter where you are right now on your journey as a sexual abuse survivor, remember that there is more to you than what the eye may perceive of the self at this time.
♡ You are a Survivor-Stay in action on your healing journey every day and meditate on these concepts “I Am On Track.” ♡ Visualize the Affirmation, see it in color or as shaded black and white, however, the mind perceives it, allowing for the current response to form naturally. Listen to yourself without judgment and begin to frequently journal this process as you transition the mind to higher aspects of yourself. ♡ Your Reality In Balance begins at the very moment as the will is placed forth by your intent to grow and change for the betterment of self, aiding in the improvement of mankind! I'll see you next time. Be well healed, and balance in peace, peace! ♡ AFFIRMATIONS | For A Sexual Abuse Survivor“Today I have a new kinship with myself and others.”
♡Thank you again for visiting Reality in Balance as we come together for “I Am Beginning New Relationships” from this multiple part series on Affirmations | for a Sexual Abuse Survivor | Part 48. You can find additional Inspiration & discover more about me at Reality in
The length of this series, which is set for 52 weeks is for you to become more familiar with your strengths and weaknesses as a sexual abuse survivor. I encourage everyone to go at their own pace & to know that the doors will always remain open for questions as a community or individually towards your healing. ➠ ➠
Let’s Begin with the Affirmation for Week 48! ♡"I AM BEGINNING NEW RELATIONSHIPS”I am beginning a new life with both feet on the ground. While I searched for an immutable kinship, a crossroad was found. To the external self, it might seem like I’ve taken time to explore the unknown depths of my mind. I Am Beginning New Relationships to relinquish the harsh past because my blessings are right here before me. I weaved and provided the thread back together again. I feel renewed because I am. In all of my new and old relationships, I further understand more of the lessons firsthand.
I Am Beginning New Relationships with what I set in front of me. Small refractions of a larger picture with a newer understanding, I know that I’m looking inside of a mirror and not from a tv screen to see.
My new relationships, whether short or long, I am grateful for. Today, I will remember that my life has transformed like the seasons of time, and it directs a higher mind to reflect with the divine. ➠ SURVIVING To THRIVING
♡ No matter where you are right now on your journey as a sexual abuse survivor, remember that there is more to you than what the eye may perceive of the self at this time.
♡ You are a Survivor-Stay in action on your healing journey every day and meditate on these concepts “I Am Beginning New Relationships.” ♡ Visualize the Affirmation, see it in color or as shaded black and white, however, the mind perceives it, allowing for the current response to form naturally. Listen to yourself without judgment and begin to frequently journal this process as you transition the mind to higher aspects of yourself. ♡ Your Reality In Balance begins at the very moment as the will is placed forth by your intent to grow and change for the betterment of self, aiding in the improvement of mankind! I'll see you next time. Be well healed, and balance in peace, peace! ♡ AFFIRMATIONS | For A Sexual Abuse Survivor“I am the force that can remove the stagnation from my path by transforming my footsteps to never look back” ♡Thank you again for visiting Reality in Balance as we come together for “I Am Moving Forward” from this multiple part series on Affirmations | for a Sexual Abuse Survivor | Part 47. You can find additional Inspiration & discover more about me at Reality in The length of this series, which is set for 52 weeks is for you to become more familiar with your strengths and weaknesses as a sexual abuse survivor. I encourage everyone to go at their own pace & to know that the doors will always remain open for questions as a community or individually towards your healing ➠
Disclaimer: If you are currently being sexually violated in any way please inform an adult at this time immediately. For your discretion, there are 24/7 Hotlines available for questions or aid here@, or please also check with your local county for other resources and advice for your safety.
Let’s Begin with the Affirmation for Week 47!
I am ready to move forward in my life and be done with the guilt and shame when the violators are only to blame. My new mindset is polished and the opposite of thinking impoverished. I’m moving forward with peace of mind to get rid of this unnecessary garbage.
The tools that I’ve gained along the way which aided my strength can never overlay. My future is bright as I move forward toward better days. As I move forward in my life as a survivor of sexual abuse, my calendar days will seem to have reset because the time spent on earth was not easy, so I kept on searching for it in pure depth. Time is an illusion and an unknown phenomenon belonging to a higher-dimensional frequency. Moving forward in my life is a gift that I can now see the connection and purpose for being free. My lifetime is my light through shadows I can see, my footsteps walking over vast seas to a new reality. I Am Moving Forward. ➠ SURVIVING To THRIVING
♡ No matter where you are right now on your journey as a sexual abuse survivor, remember that there is more to you than what the eye may perceive of the self at this time.
♡ You are a Survivor-Stay in action on your healing journey every day and meditate on these concepts “I Am Moving Forward.”
♡ Visualize the Affirmation, see it in color or as shaded black and white, however, the mind perceives it, allowing for the current response to form naturally. Listen to yourself without judgment and begin to frequently journal this process as you transition the mind to higher aspects of yourself.
♡ Your Reality In Balance begins at the very moment as the will is placed forth by your intent to grow and change for the betterment of self, aiding in the improvement of mankind! I'll see you next time. Be well healed, and balance in peace, peace!
Thank you again for visiting Reality in Balance as we come together for “I Am The Uncommon Cure” from this multiple part series on Affirmations | for a Sexual Abuse Survivor | Part 46. You can find additional Inspiration & discover more about me at Reality in
The length of this series, which is set for 52 weeks is for you to become more familiar with your strengths and weaknesses as a sexual abuse survivor. I encourage everyone to go at their own pace & to know that the doors will always remain open for questions as a community or individually towards your healing. ➠
Disclaimer: If you are currently being sexually violated in any way please inform an adult at this time immediately. For your discretion, there are 24/7 Hotlines available for questions or aid here@, or please also check with your local county for other resources and advice for your safety.
KNOW THE STATISTICS@ R Respect others' boundaries. A Ask for consent. I Intervene when someone's in trouble. N Notice the warning signs of abuse and speak up. N Nurture myself and others
I remain focused as ahealer to have many stories leading to success in this lifetime. While societal ideas and cultures today describe that healing as a survivor of sexual abuse is a way to cry out for help to exhibit their disdain. I can see why sexual abuse is always as quiet as it is kept because society finds it difficult to grasp without seeing it firsthand for itself.
Starting with today, I see no need to carry a survivor of sexual abuse sigil around because it is not my crown. The trauma isn't anything to uplift when I'm still looking down. I can discover how to stand up for myself to begin thriving again with both feet on the healing ground.
I look within at a different angle now. I can see this long-awaited self-healing through without needing to shut down. As the course of my healing moves to external factors, I gradually discover my cure and restore myself to balance.
To self-heal means that I bring much responsibility to my actions and reactions, and at this time in my life, conscious healing is my greatest strength and progressing in unison with the greatest love for myself that I will not forsake. ➠ SURVIVING To THRIVING♡ No matter where you are right now on your journey as a sexual abuse survivor, remember that there is more to you than what the eye may perceive of the self at this time. ♡ You are a Survivor-Stay in action on your healing journey every day and meditate on these concepts “I Am The Uncommon Cure.” ♡ Visualize the Affirmation, see it in color or as shaded black and white, however, the mind perceives it, allowing for the current response to form naturally. Listen to yourself without judgment and begin to frequently journal this process as you transition the mind to higher aspects of yourself. ![]() ♡ Your Reality In Balance begins at the very moment as the will is placed forth by your intent to grow and change for the betterment of self, aiding in the improvement of mankind! I'll see you next time. Be well healed, and balance in peace, peace! |
Author:ShawNee Janelle CategoriesAll Affirmations For A Sexual Abuse Survivor African/Indigenous Spirituality Afrikan Spirituality ASTROLOGY TAROT SPREADS Essential Oil Profiles Healers Healing In The Now Holistic Health Tips Metaphysics PLANETARY TAROT SPREADS Sexual Abuse Awareness Tarot Cards Therapeutic Self Care Archives
January 2025
“In Naturopathy, the connection between the Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional bodies is the foundation for good health. One of my goals is to help restore & maintain a natural balance for the client.”
-ShawNee Janelle