🕯My Website➠https://www.realityinbalance.com/
🔺The New Orleans VoodoO TArot | BasicS https://youtu.be/hQmIKo_NWLw 🔺ERZULIE LOVE OR UNION READING | ⟪♨️❖CONNECTING HIGH VIBES▲♨️⟫ https://youtu.be/Kbea6lwFSCM 🔺New Orleans #Voodoo Tarot | 🔥DAMBALLAH LA FLAMBEAU https://youtu.be/sbxcCus3FuM Welcome back to a new week, guys with Reality In Balance where I’ll do a general, collective Tarot Card Reading to forecast the energies for the week of 8/30 - 9/5 with the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot deck. Please take the time to like this video and subscribe to the channel. Thank you kindly! All of my tarot general readings are focused on both dual planes, and bring balance to the collective, despite the supposed negative forces that lead with their divisive tactics to our physical existence by spiritual warfare. SUN/MOON FORECAST HAPPY Earthday ♁ to ♍️ celebrating this year in 2020! We’ll all be experiencing Virgo’s passion and interest through the sun by practical skills, spiritual work, and with its helpful and assisting qualities from August 22nd - September 22nd. Virgo’s are ruled by the planet Mercury, and its elemental force is Earth. The first quarter moon ☽ was on August 25th and is currently experiencing the waxing gibbous phase for the astrological sign♒. Meanwhile, the full moon ♓ will occur on September 2, 2020. During this full moon seasoning, our intuition and imagination will increase. We should set firm emotional and spiritual boundaries, as we’ll be extra sensitive in the areas of family and relationships that can bring us more clarity thereof.
WEEKLY TAROT READING for 8/30/20 - 9/5/20Past/Current Collective:
V Master of the Head-
A strong sense in the development of the collective resources to gain unique opportunities in the form of The Master of the Head is upon us. With this first card appearing as the past energy, earthly and spiritual tools are aligned. The full awareness of our path in life has arrived from the past, and a connection to our higher-self is not overly exalted, but unified. Current Collective:
9 Congo, Madame La Lune- Currently, we’re experiencing the astral plane with Madame La Lune and the beautiful reflections of the moon. The full moon’s energy is strong for the general collective reading. This is a time of happiness and for letting go. She is telling us through the cycles of change, we are made whole by its reflection. Future/ Current Collective:
1 Rada, Damballah Wedo- In the current and future energy for this tarot reading, a focus and divine drive is at play. There’s an undeniable focus with Spirit at cloak. Damballah Wedo gives clarity by movement, because it has access to all current/future energy. Forces are called to action, and the confirmation of this Neptune energy is prevalent.
Source: The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot, by Martinie/Glassman Café Astrology The Soul's Journey Deck
Welcome back to Reality In Balance! We’re going to get straight to the point on this subject for us to discover if the ROOT CHAKRA is in Balance, which in turn, can help us to control any harmful triggers and our overall health. The Root Chakra is our first major energy wheel, located in alignment with the tailbone, at the base of the spine. Its color is red signifies the inner-core of the earth’s energy that is wailing-up inside. The first Root Chakra promotes vital energy to harmonize our physical body. This origin is also represented as the Kundalini pure energy source that rises-up and travel by the spine as a vital force form for immediate action. |
We have access to our foundation in life, represented by birth to early adolescent years through the 1st Root Chakra. When our Root Chakra is balanced, it appears through the stability in relationships, earth, and all life forms. We have deep and personal accountability for our life and environment. Rooted in creativity, inner strength, and enjoying the creative process while shaping life forms brings a harmonious balance to our physical body through the 1st-Root Chakra. |
the Root Chakra is Balanced
In the next video, we’ll talk about the blocked and unbalanced 1st Root Chakra’s appearance in disharmony. Stay tuned for the upcoming content ahead on Reality In Balance. I’ll see you guys the next time. Be well, and balance in peace, peace!
"The Chakra Handbook", by Sharamon and Baginski
" Natural Health and Wellness", by K. Akua Gray
🔺The New Orleans VoodoO TArot | BasicS https://youtu.be/hQmIKo_NWLw
🔺New Orleans #Voodoo Tarot | 🔥DAMBALLAH LA FLAMBEAU https://youtu.be/sbxcCus3FuM
Welcome back to a new week, guys with Reality In Balance where I’ll do a general, collective Tarot Card Reading to forecast the energies for the week of 8/23 - 8/29 with the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot deck. Please take the time to like this video and subscribe to the channel. Thank you kindly!
All of my tarot general readings are focused on both dual planes, and bring balance to the collective, despite the supposed negative forces that lead with their divisive tactics to our physical existence by spiritual warfare.
HAPPY Earthday to the ♍️ signs celebrating this year in 2020! We’ll all be experiencing Virgo’s passion and interest through the sun by practical skills, spiritual work, and with its helpful and assisting qualities from August 22nd - September 22nd. Virgo’s are ruled by the planet Mercury, and its elemental force is Earth.
The Moon is in its waxing crescent phase for the astrological sign of ♏️, which represent a time to begin new projects and connecting with our higher/self. The last new moon was on August 18th in the sign of ♌️.
SUN: ♍️ Earth sign- ruled by Mercury MOON: Scorpio ♏️ ♍️ Tarot Card: IV Couche’- Inspiration/ The Hermit ♾ Current Retrogrades ♾ (6) - Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, Pluto, and Uranus ♾Jupiter- expansion and grace ♾Saturn- contraction and effort ♾Chiron- wounded/healer ♾Neptune- transcendental liberty, non-egotistical ♾Pluto- transformation, mutation, elimination ♾Uranus- individual liberty, egoistic liberty |
WEEKLY TAROT READING for 8/23/20 -8/29/20
Past/Current Collective:
XX Ancestors-
In this past/current setting, a sacrifice was made and directed with Saturnine energy. This was for those who followed a path appointed from the heart and voice of their Ancestors. Check within to see if you’re really doing the spiritual work, or having it been done upon you instead.
Current Collective:
IV Loco-
Due to the following description, if our spiritual work has been ongoing, we will have spiritual allies for our protection in the physical sphere. The current energy remains with Aries. We have been seeing signs of a bigger change, but only with a fight that continues to show up over the last few weeks. On the other hand of this reading, strife was waged in recent events.
Future/ Current Collective:
XV Courir Le Mardi Gras-
The future/current energy signifies that the collective is focused on a lot of material inspiration. This may be for the general collection that is gathering-up their resources at this time or symbolizes those who haven't built upon the grace of the Ancestors. With the Capricorn-like energy through this tarot card, we must always have a balance between the spiritual and physical senses.
🔺The New Orleans VoodoO TArot | BasicS https://youtu.be/hQmIKo_NWLw
🔺New Orleans #Voodoo Tarot | 🔥DAMBALLAH LA FLAMBEAU https://youtu.be/sbxcCus3FuM
Hey guys! I’m going to do a General, Collective Tarot Card Reading to forecast the energies for the week with the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot deck. All of my tarot general readings are focused in both dual planes, and bring balance to the collective, despite the supposed negative forces that lead with their tactics of destruction to our physical existence by spiritual warfare. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all of the LEO signs celebrating this year in 2020! By the force of the Sun, we’ll be experiencing Leo's vitality, strength, loyalty, and consistent qualities until August 22nd. The Moon is in its waning crescent phase for the astrological sign of Cancer. This will lead us to the New Moon in Leo on August, 18th, 2020!
We’ve experienced two new moons in the past thirty days, which is another opportunity for us to manifest new dreams/desires, or to use it to tap into the heart of a lion and discover what’s hidden inside of us. Give thanks!
WEEKLY TAROT READING for 8/16/20 -8/22/20
Petro, Hounsis-
High emotions are present in a fiery state for this general, collective reading. An immense amount of activity has been placed on the physical plane. Please ensure that emotions are not overtly erratic, and not engage in any worresome activities during this time. We can use this as a catalyst to our desirable manifestations, leading up to the New Moon.
Master of the Head-
We can see how spirituality is used as a form of enlightenment in the current collective. But- We need to know that it’s a lifestyle and not a hobby. A person can find their purpose through spirituality by means of truth or deception. We can use this energy to sharpen our talents to be directed by Divine principals during this time.
Future/ Current Collective:
VIII Possession-
The final bonus card comes from the Soul's Journey deck, which will give us the special guidance from our higher-self that is connected to the infinite all, divine Creator. Message: Failure- I understand that a mistake is only an opportunity to learn. Categories
August 2020
🔺The New Orleans VoodoO TArot | BasicS https://youtu.be/hQmIKo_NWLw
🔺New Orleans #Voodoo Tarot | 🔥DAMBALLAH LA FLAMBEAU https://youtu.be/sbxcCus3FuM
🕯My Website➠https://www.realityinbalance.com/
🔺The New Orleans VoodoO TArot | BasicS https://youtu.be/hQmIKo_NWLw 🔺ERZULIE LOVE OR UNION READING | ⟪♨️❖CONNECTING HIGH VIBES▲♨️⟫ https://youtu.be/Kbea6lwFSCM
🔺New Orleans #Voodoo Tarot | 🔥DAMBALLAH LA FLAMBEAU https://youtu.be/sbxcCus3FuM
*General Collective Tarot Reading for 8/9/20 - 8/15/20
Hey guys! Today, I’m going to do a General, Collective Tarot Card Reading to forecast the energies for over the next few days. All of my tarot general readings are focused in both dual planes, and bring balance to the collective, despite the supposed negative forces that lead with their tactics of destruction to our physical existence by spiritual warfare.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all of the LEO signs celebrating this year in 2020! Through the force of the Sun, we’ll be experiencing Leo's vitality, strength, loyalty, and consistent qualities until August 22nd. The Moon is in the sign of Taurus and in its waning gibbous phase. Since the last Full Moon in Aquarius on 8/3/20, we should all have been working to dissolve and release false realities.
WEEKLY TAROT READING for 8/9/20 -8/15/20
Past/Current Collective: 9 Rada, Masa- There was an element presented here that had focused on a change of living space, or to receive an unexpected gift, friend, or visitor out of nowhere. So be aware of the new people that you run across who might seem to be down-to-earth, or any desirable surroundings that present themselves to you during this time. |
Current Collective: XVIII, Magick Mirror- Again, the Moon presents itself for the current, general collective reading. But- this time, it has a more illusionary attachment to it. To me, this reads collectively as a warning sign for current false flags, and for us to be aware of them. Do not react. Listen to your heart for guidance. |
🕯My Website➠https://www.realityinbalance.com/🔺The New Orleans VoodoO TArot | BasicS https://youtu.be/hQmIKo_NWLw
🔺New Orleans #Voodoo Tarot | 🔥DAMBALLAH LA FLAMBEAU https://youtu.be/sbxcCus3FuM
ShawNee Janelle
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“In Naturopathy, the connection between the Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional bodies is the foundation for good health. One of my goals is to help restore & maintain a natural balance for the client.”
-ShawNee Janelle