"A company is only as good as the people it keeps." -Mary Kay Ash spirit | ˈspirit | noun
(Latin) Spiritus= Breath That which animates the body; the immaterial part of the being; which is the seat of emotions and character; Singularly connected to all things and the greater infinite all
Nevertheless, there will be moments where we don’t have a choice but face to the things and people that could make us feel uncomfortable in life. Negative energy is a direct expression of a person’s emotional state based on their inner consciousness and how they perceive life, themselves, and those around them. These forms of low energy are inevitable concepts that we cannot avoid through life. But- Oftentimes, people can still try to test your nerves, and impose too much of their static energy, or is just overwhelming to you. Then you might wonder why you feel so tired when you were just doing fine before.
Some of us are sensitive to the subtle energy fields that are all around us, including their specific characteristics that engage us. Sometimes it’s the environment that is unclean and feeding off of the already low spirited person living there, and now they can be easily manipulated to vampire other people. You can see what I’m talking about in most horror films where a negative source feeds from an already depressed and fearful individual for its energy every time.
You want to eventually minimize your time with negative people because your physical health relies on it! Research shows us that being exposed to negative people peels away the neurons in the hippocampus region, which is the part of your brain responsible for problem-solving. Ideally, this means that negative people, places, or things have detrimental effects that will rot your brain over time.
- Downer type people- unlucky, depressed, downer Debbies, who enjoys
are programmed with a pessimistic outlook for themselves and life
- Distractors- people in all varieties; gossip, attention- whores, cause to chaos, destruction, and confusion
- Playing-the-Victim type people- master manipulators, finger pointers, enjoy making others feel invaluable to them- playing-the-victim types are unbalanced on many levels in their reality and divine purpose
- Know-it-All type people- they will not allow the past to remain in the past, unable to receive any new information, difficulty staying in the present, thrive on the past, have devolved perceptions based on false precepts from the past.
- Drama queens- people who love conflict
Self-actualization is the understanding of a person’s potential and is considered as a drive or need that is present inside of everyone. It’s when you can look inside of yourself to find a direction for balance so that negativity doesn't interfere with your day. |
In the way that you observe and deal with negative frequencies is filtered through the energy centers surrounding the body. To become more familiarized with the body’s energetic fields known as your aura is important because it’s the major conduit for self-actualization. You can learn more about this topic in my chakra balancing blogs to get you up speed.
Remaining Positive
I've found for myself at times that repeating an affirmation to stay positive through the day wasn’t working. I would say it, feel it, and try to express it out into the world. The idea behind the expression felt too fake to me, and that I was battling to remain positive with just myself anyways. It wasn't that I was always in a negative space, but with work, socializing, or bypassing other people everyday, it would be clear that remaining positive would soon diminish.
I’m sure that you guys can relate to what I’m trying to say. Like, when you're having a good day, and out of nowhere, some asshole unexpectedly ruins it. No matter how hard you try to remain positive after a negative interaction, it just doesn’t sit well with you, and most of the day you find yourself unconsciously drifting back to that past, negative encounter.
This is because of the old entanglement of good versus bad, up versus down, black versus white where things are seen as opposites to us, but in reality, they are forms of one in the same energy source, (on many levels, of course). In other words, there’s no point in you getting bent out of shape allowing people to upset you. Instead, stay headstrong towards your goal at that time, and not the distraction. Change the language and how you view the things that come your way. I’m not sorry to say this, but guys, the notion to stay positive is a farce itself and is a destination to failure. But when you’re focused with a purpose, negative interactions cannot phase you at all! |
Affirmations For A Sexual Abuse Survivor
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blockages (plural noun)
- an obstruction which makes movement or flow difficult or impossible.
You might not know this yet guys, but even the most self-assured, confident, and successful individuals have had to learn how to grow from their past and move about unproudly within them. At some point, they were determined to heal and restore the blockages that were interfering with seeing into their personal growth. In turn, their likelihood of joyous expectations from the fulfilling relationships around them will be forever sustainable due to their course of action.
Hello everyone, and welcome to Reality in Balance. My name is ShawNee Janelle. I am a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner/Consultant. You can find additional information about us at www.RealityinBalance.com, Twitter- Reality@Balance_1111, or IG- shawneejanelle. One of my goals here is to educate and motivate individuals to work towards a balanced lifestyle by utilizing the basic tools in Holistic Health as natural healing modalities. So in this way, you can always discover a path to operate on from your highest-self by lifting your spirits.
Why Do I Need to be
Vulnerable with Other People?
So, do you know which areas that insert insecurities, like trust issues inside of your relationships? In this blog-podcast, we can discover the best solutions for you to begin removing blockages and experience a balanced lifestyle through personal growth and development.
Fear of Being a Burden/BLOCKAGE
It’s important to know that feeling like a burden is a false sense in a mindset that is unbalanced. According to clinical psychologist Dr. Hendriksen at Boston University’s Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, the most primitive part of the brain, the same reward pathway activated by food and sex- lights up in response to altruistic giving. Meaning, just like when you're enjoying your favorite foods or experiencing a sense of pleasure, these same feel-good hormones are activated in a person when they are able to help you.
If you believe that this is not the case for you, and the helper is over-burdened in their personal lives or are too busy, then please, save your time and energy of asking them for any favors, and find someone else who can help you. You will soon discover for yourself that helping other people brings strength to your immediate social ties, but it also allows the helpers to feel good about themselves too. So, try to remember that those who are stable in their lives love to give back and willingly want to guide others to do their best in life, just like you.
Past Mistakes/BLOCKAGE
- See your immediate problem as an object that is separate from you and then transform it.
- Visualize yourself teaming-up with another person to tackle the object- This is called a unified detachment where the problem is no longer “me” or “I”, but a defiant “it” instead.
- See the problem on a chair, being zapped with armor, or anyplace outside of you adjoined with someone else that is helping.
Fear of "Appearing Weak"/BLOCKAGE
- change the tone of your language when asking a question.
- Ask your helper if you could pick their brain for a minute, instead of randomly blurting out things.
- Ask if you could get their perspective on something important to you is a good segway to this type of conversation.
- It’s okay to mention that it’s been a long time since you’ve done something like this before, and be extremely specific and define what areas that you need their help in.
Make a list. The act of writing lists prompts you to tune in to what’s really needed versus the things that you just want, enforcing your true intent. ☤Your Reality In Balance begins at the very moment as will is placed forth by your intent to grow and change for the betterment of self, aiding in the improvement of mankind! I’ll catch you guys next time. Be well and Heal in Peace, peace....
Affirmations For A Sexual Abuse Survivor
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"You were born with the right to be happy. You were born with the right to love, to enjoy, and to share your love. You are alive, so take your life and enjoy it. Don't resist life passing through you, because that is God passing through you. Just your existence proves the existence of God. Your existence proves the existence of life and energy." -Ruiz
~Reality in Consciousness
We all know too well that abuse stemmed from traumatic events happen to us, friends, neighbors, relatives, and so on. It feels distressing, intolerable, and if left untreated, abuse can sustain negative lifestyle attachments and poor coping skills. This is why Healing from Abuse is important. You do not have to carry-on old and negative attachments formed from abuse. Instead, you can develop a new sense of growth that will be greater than you've ever imagined through Therapeutic, Self-Care practices.
THERAPEUTIC, SELF-CARE IN 2020The process of healing begins when primal self-care overrules all. The purpose of a Self-Care regimen is for your entire body to rest and rejuvenate comfortably over an extension of time to promote healing. Take a day off, sit quietly for a few minutes, and disconnect for a little while. Rather if you prefer to stay at home to receive a form of treatment or visit a therapeutic Practitioner, here are the most utilized healing practices for abuse. |
Including many, many more... Massage, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Yoga, Exercise, Vitamins/Supplements, Music/Instrument, Garden, Travel, New Language, Study/Culture, Reading, Art, Hydrotherapy, Pet/Companion, Herbs, Healthy Diet, Meet New People, Essential oils, Aromatherapy, Crystals, Crystal Therapy, and Affirmations.
We all have to be proactive on a healing journey and do our best every day, or cycles will become repeated, making them more challenging to break. Harness one or more therapeutic and self-care technique not just for today, but for roads up ahead of time.
☤Your Reality in Consciousness begins at the very moment when work is placed forth by your intent to grow and change for the betterment of self, aiding in the improvement of mankind! Balance & Peace..
About the Author: ShawNee Janelle is a
"Try Organic Food...or as your Grandparents called it FOOD."
~Reality in Consciousness
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We comprehensively sourced information for our readers, not to subject them to fear tactics, but just the opposite of that, which is to consider this as essential information for our sustainability in general health.
What are Natural, Organic Foods?

How to shop for Natural, Organic Foods
Pesticides were introduced into the American food supply in 1994 with Monsanto’s “Flavor Savr” tomato. Over a period of time, pesticides can contaminate the body with toxins, free radicals, and waste products that stress the filtering systems of the body and reduce the body’s ability to fight dis-eases
Did You Know?
We may be…..
1) using refined white sugar that has been, excoriated, demineralized, and devitalized (almost everything contains a form of sugar today)
2) we don’t get the purest, most natural foods anymore, because manufacturers add dyes, acids, moisturizers, artificial flavors, texturizes, preservatives, synthetic chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, steroids, and terminator codes (block nutrient absorption)
Dr. Akua’s “Top Ten Genetically Modified Foods”
2.Soy 3.Cotton 4.Papaya 5.Rice 6.Tomatoes 7.Rapeseed 8.Dairy products 9.Potatoes 10.Peas |
The commercial fast foods that aren’t naturally processed is genetically altered and highly toxic. There are no commercial foods safe to eat. These toxins and synthetic chemicals destroy and deteriorate the human body and are addicting.
Foods can be our medicine, but not unless they are natural foods. You can change your food choices, but you can only change it for the better by creating new habits and teaching yourself to use natural foods. If you had an organic pomegranate in one hand and a pickle in the other to eat, you have to decide which one is best: natural or processed? You know your body needs good food.
About the Author:
Shaw Nee Janelle is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Health & Wellness Consultant, author of “The Traditional Modalities for Healing” manual available on Amazon.com, Blogger & Owner of www.realitynconsciousness.com. In her blogs, she enjoys writing inspirational tips on Holistic Health, Affirmations, therapeutic Self-Care, Afrikan Spirituality, Sexual Abuse Awareness and more. She also loves travel, fitness, reading, and creating new vegan recipes. |
Until the Very Next Point in time, BE WELL & HEAL IN PEACE…PEACE!!! Written by: Shaw Nee Janelle |
*Please be Encouraged to check-out all of my Other Social Platforms Linked below for MORE Inspiration. * ~The Traditional Modalities for Healing, by: Reality S.J Fields ~Reality in Consciousness.com ~YouTube ~PayPal ~Blogger ~$Sky616 |
“Foods That Heal”, by Dr. Bernard Jensen
“African Holistic Health”, by Dr. Llaila O. Afrika
“The Complete Book of Alternative Nutrition”, by Selene Y. Young, Jennifer Haigh
“Natural Health and Wellness, The Consultant Manual”, by Dr. K. Akua Gray
“A color is as strong as the impression it creates.”
Ivan Albright
~Reality in Consciousness
At all times and in every space, our atmosphere is explosive with varied colors. Color therapy is also known by Chromotherapy, a therapeutic healing practice in which colors consciously affect our physical bodies and are used to permeate a level of balance in assisting with mood. Through their specific vibrations (wavelengths, frequencies), colors give off powerful influences regardless if we are conscious of it or not. Every hue variation has a vibrational frequency made by visible sound. In order for us to recognize the emittance of sound, nature has created another instrument, our eyes. |
We can consider the natural occurrence of color through its purest form of expression, the rainbow. We know that when a beam of light falls onto a prism, it refracts into the seven colors of the rainbow.
Our ancient ancestors had specifically engaged in what we now know as Chromotherapy for therapeutic healing of the sick. Depending on their ailment, patients were brought into beautiful rooms with windows covered in dyed fabric such as blue, orange, green and so on. It’s no coincidence today that most chapels, temples, cathedrals, places of worship, private buildings, homes, and etc. have stained glass windows to advance the incoming light. In this manner, the refraction of the light encourages an effective aspect of healing our physical and emotional bodies.
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Color therapy is also a visual reminder of what an individual should be focused on achieving wellbeing. We may utilize Chakra therapy, an expression of Chromotherapy in which the person directly engages in the balancing of the seven energy centers, maximizing the flow of energy in our body. Color vibrations react to our energy centers (chakras) in a very special manner, and because of this sense of a natural “control”, one color of the prism spectrum is assigned to each energy center. |
If a person wants to strengthen their relationships to bring love and peace, they would focus on the color pink. They may do this by wearing it (even undergarments), placing on pink jewelry, visually meditate on the color, or engage with the color pink with light or pictures. We can use this in the same sense if a person wants to regenerate their libido. Red would be a good color to focus on because of its strength, willpower, and vitality frequencies. Again they may wear red, eat red foods, drink red drinks, meditate, and so on.
Sometimes throughout our life, we’re individually impressed upon or drawn to certain colors. By this notion to be made aware of, they should concentrate on its positive aspects and are encouraged to develop themselves based on the concepts of color therapy. |
Seasonal Colors:
Nature exudes in excellency through wholeness and balance. Even our year-to-year, four seasonal change in the weather that we experience is attached to a specific frequency/vibration. In some ways more than others, the seasonal change may affect a person by a synch or a relentless tugging toward energy to react on.
Chromotherapy systems are available for further study; Yet, the simplistic details and techniques of color therapy are ideally self-taught. Being aware of our senses is crucial in this form of therapeutic practice. One should spend a little time every day with specific colors to grasp a better reach of our emotions so that we can pursue a greater understanding of the energies that surround us at every moment. It is only logical to use colors in their purest expression to consciously heal. |
Thank you again for staying in tuned to reality in consciousness on this week’s segment, “Chromotherapy | How Does Color Affect You?”
Until the Very Next Point in time,
Be Well & Heal in Peace…Peace!!!
Written by: S.J
Please be sure to Check-Out All of My Other Social Media Platforms Linked Below for Weekly Inspiration. ~The Traditional Modalities for Healing by: Reality S.J Fields ~Reality in Consciousness.com ~YouTube ~PayPal ~Blogger ~$Sky616 |
About the Author:
"The Chakra Handbook", by Shalila S. and Bordo J.
"Natural Health and Wellness, The Consultant" manual, by K. Akua Gray
"A Little Book of Candle Magic" by D.J Conway
ShawNee Janelle
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“In Naturopathy, the connection between the Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional bodies is the foundation for good health. One of my goals is to help restore & maintain a natural balance for the client.”
-ShawNee Janelle