Your re-occurring mental distress may be debilitating and weakening the natural function of the human body’s daily activities. Experiences like past traumatic memories are more common than what you may think, where it can be difficult to focus on important tasks, periods in contentment, or even just enjoying life itself. Well, I am here to inform you that the brain is hard-wired in such a way for you to learn quickly from these bad experiences but not so much as from the good ones. Hello guys. My name is ShawNee Janelle. I am a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Health and Wellness, Consultant.
As Einstein did remind his peers in western science that, time and space are modes by what we think, and not conditions in which we live.”
According to recent neuroimaging studies, the process of encoding and recalling negative memories involves the parts of the brain that processes emotions. We will be discussing how the brain operates through its basic functions, so that you can have power over traumatic memories and unwelcoming experiences through your filtering emotions. It will be a three-part series, and in Part 2, we’ll explore the brain’s process of fear.
So, what do you think, is it possible to have power over traumatic memories? Let me know what you guys think down in the comments. I also just wanted to say that I am aware of the extreme circumstances when it comes to traumatic experiences. This blog was created for the individuals who have interest in healing their past traumatic memories.
12/26/2018 0 Comments AFFIRMATIONS | For a Sexual Abuse Survivor | "I Can Blossom Wherever I’m..” | No.30"Encouragement, kindness, and love inspire each of us to grow and blossom"- Anonymous
Disclaimer: If you are currently being sexually violated in any way please inform an adult at this time immediately. For your discretion, there are 24/7 Hotlines available for questions or aide here @, or please also check with your local county for other resources and advice for your safety.
Respect others' boundaries.
Ask for consent.
Intervene when someone's in trouble.
Notice the warning signs of abuse and speak up.
Nurture myself and others
I may have spent too much of my time looking for the right moments to experience what it means to be happy.
Being right as I am at any given moment in life can be a simple task and one that will eventually award new seedlings to sprout for consistent growth.
As I become more aware of self-love, I will find that to blossom wherever I’m planted in life means that I can produce fruit during bright days and dark nights.
Searching for the perfect tone in life to enjoy it is associated with past trauma. Instead, I plant seeds with the joy and contentment of today which, is required for a healthy way to experience a new harvest at each phase.I Can Blossom Wherever I’m Planted!
➠SURVIVING To THRIVING♡ No matter where you are right now on your journey as a sexual abuse survivor, remember that there is more to you than what the eye may perceive of the self at this time. ♡ You are a Survivor-Stay in action on your healing journey every day and meditate on these concepts,“I Can Blossom Wherever I’m Planted!” |
♡ Your Reality In Balance begins at the very moment as the will is placed forth by your intent to grow and change for the betterment of self, aiding in the improvement of mankind! I'll see you guys the next time. Be well healed, and balance in peace, peace!
“There is no greater journey than the one that you must take to discover all of the mysteries that lie within you.” |

“There is love of children, love of self, love of God, love of a partner. All of them have a different shape, but all of dem is the same in the end.
It’s about sensitivity, it’s about passion. It’s about unconditional giving of self to another person. And there’s love of humanity- That’s the love that is needed most; Love of humanity. But in everything in all of that love, there is a soul.
It’s like when you take some eggs and break them, and you take the shells and mix them up, trying to find the perfect match. When you find the perfect match, that comparity results in passion, results in unconditional giving of self.”
-The Carters 2018
Self-discovery is one in the same intimate expressions passionately defined above. The way that it is conveyed depends on the viewing of your own perspective based on experiences. Self-discovery is adjacent to self-love and self-care; it’s where you begin the foundation for everything else in life. No matter the environment, ailment, or societal deprivation, life is about experiences and how you respond to them can further define your link to self-discovery. Your main goal, which you should never forget, is to do what is necessary to be healthy and fit. But things will continue to get worst, if we don’t find a simple way to reach the God in ourselves (the higher aspects of ourselves). First we must learn to respect ourselves. That is the test we must past, the promise we must make to each other, the challenge of all of our lives (Souljah 1996). |
It is only through the discovery of self that you can determine your purpose and actualize your future. Failure to submit to your vital cause of self-discovery will cheat you of the opportunity to comprehend who you are and what is wanted out of life, as well as how you can help others during your unique time on earth. Our greatest life lesson is learning how to fully accept and love ourselves. Self-love is the prerequisites for complete immersion in the abundant flow of light and love in the world. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: |
A few ways to begin actualizing self-worth in all of your daily activities may occur by:
Self-awareness is an early step in the creation of life that you want. It helps you to pinpoint what your passions and emotions are, and how your personality can help you in life. You can recognize where your thoughts and emotions are leading you, and make any required alterations. Once you are aware of your thoughts, words, emotions, behavior, you will be able to make changes in the direction of your future. Where you choose to focus your energy, emotions, personality, and reactions determines where you will end up in life.

There is an Afrikan proverb that states; The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the nation. The level of emotional maturity in the hand that rocks the cradle determines the fate of the nation. A people on a sojourn through time are somewhat like a ship on the ocean. If many people aboard the ship have extensive knowledge of the sea and navigation, that ship will have an excellent chance of reaching the desired destination. On the other hand, when the people aboard the ship lack knowledge of the sea and navigation, more than likely the ship-should the sea become at all rough-will flounder into destruction (Welsing 2004).
Awareness through Light…
About the Author:
Shaw Nee Janelle is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Health & Wellness Consultant, Author of “The Traditional Modalities for Healing”, Blogger & Owner of In her blogs, she enjoys writing inspirational tips on Holistic Health, Affirmations, Self-Care, Afrikan Spirituality, Sexual Abuse Awareness and more. She also loves travel, fitness, reading, and creating new vegan recipes. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: |
"No Disrespect", Sister Souljah
Copywrite 1996
"The Isis Papers", Dr. Frances Cress Welsing
Copywrite 2004
"Black Effect", The Carters
Copywrite 2018
ShawNee Janelle
All Affirmations For A Sexual Abuse Survivor African/Indigenous Spirituality Afrikan Spirituality ASTROLOGY TAROT SPREADS Essential Oil Profiles Healers Healing In The Now Holistic Health Tips Metaphysics PLANETARY TAROT SPREADS Sexual Abuse Awareness Tarot Cards Therapeutic Self Care
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“In Naturopathy, the connection between the Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional bodies is the foundation for good health. One of my goals is to help restore & maintain a natural balance for the client.”
-ShawNee Janelle