~ Reality In Consciousness…
We’ve all heard this catchy phrase before that “Denial is a B###h!” Well it’s true isn’t it, but what does Denial really mean here in the context for healing? As Appealing as the phrase may sound to you, a form of Denial that can lead to destructive habits have landed a space within enlightenment inside of my book titled, “The Traditional Modalities for Healing”. In Chapter 2 in my book, you’ll simply discover in the reading how it’s one thing to live your life at your own will regardless of the stored, unresolved issues within self. Yet in contrast, I draw “the line” when we as a collective unit, pass those atrocities down for the children to fester and then decipher this confusion for you. The children suffer the most in these situations when their guardians have not taken the time to heal from their past transgressions. Let’s say for instance, a guardian/parent has a problem with abusing alcohol. Their offspring are “4 times more likely than the general population to develop alcohol problems.” Although, we can’t just look at the surface of these things as of such basic probabilities. We look a bit deeper to understand why this person is struggling in this area in the first place with alcohol abuse. One could say that alcohol abuse is passed down from generation –to- generation, but this form of reasoning cannot lead us to the root caused issue. There will always be a cause to the effect whether you believe it or not. While an overconsumption of alcohol is a mask to cover what one must think cannot be revealed outside of themselves. Just as likewise, the very same issue that parent/guardian are facing will be introduced to their children. The root caused issue remains in the form of abuse, neglect, and/or pain. So, instead of us identifying those “family matters”, it’s easier to drift in life living in Denial about them. In my book, Chapter 2 I wrote that “I personally know very well from experience what it’s like to participate in a collective state of Denial, and expressing attributes of guilt because of it.” I was sexually abused as a child, because the person who had abused me was sexually abused as a child as well. What was even more interesting to perceive was that the person who had sexually abused him was also sexually abused as a child, and since we’ve failed to have this conversation with one another in healing, but while instead hid it from one another, it had continued to occur and grow from generation-to-generation. I had worn a mask for years, stuffed in denial with drugs and alcohol. I’m obliviously no longer silenced by it, and as a matter of fact, I hope that you can learn from these situations also. As you the reader are interpreting what stems from my heart/soul! Yes, “Denial is a B###h, but I’ll be damn if I hide who I am as a SURVIVOR today, because one day soon my husband and I will have children who aren’t disturbed by their parent/guardian negations in life. I leave you with another quote from my book “The Traditional Modalities for Healing” here->” Do not let Denial be a part of you. Bring it into the Reality of “knowing”, and Live above it in wisdom through consciousness.” Peace. Written by: ~S.j ***Stay Tuned in to reality in consciousness by simply Clicking on the Links Below! ~The Traditional Modalities for Healing by: Reality S.J Fields ~Website ~YouTube ~IG ~Paypal
12/12/2017 0 Comments How to Discover Life’s PurposeWHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE?
~Reality in Consciousness GREETINGS! To begin an introduction for my book titled “The Traditional Modalities for Healing”, I’ll like to start summarizing the first Chapter to give my readers an idea on a bit of enlightenment on where “I’m coming from” within Chapter 1. The first Chapter addresses a vital question, “What’s Your Purpose in Life”. I began writing on this topic as an urgent message to wake those people up who are afraid and/or confused about discovering their Divine purpose in Life. Your Divine purpose is the passion that will drive you out of bed in the morning and steadily work toward it before sleep at night. In my book as I quote myself here, “Each and every one of us has an appointed assignment here on our life’s path to manifest, but it is up to you to discover what that means.” There are far too many lost souls surfacing this planet who HAVE NOT yet tapped into their inner prime Divinity! For instance, I can recall asking someone who is dear to me, what do they love to do in Life, upon hearing sadness in their tone of voice that day. The dear individual wasn’t able to suggest not one thing that had brought them peace and joy (besides going to church, but outside of church they were unhappy with the self). The response was, “I just don’t know anymore”, with this reply it had ignited a fire within me! In this dear person’s “hay-day”, she had enjoyed developing art work by with drawings, dancing, and cooking. So, naturally I suggested that she could begin where she’d left off with drawing, dance groups, cooking classes in order to feel like there is purpose surrounding her Life again, and something to look forward to each day. Manifesting the things that have been instilled within us is extreme and every bit of important to identify and master on our Life’s path! Unfortunately, I was quickly dismissed with “Girl, if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it!” In this case she is partially correct, but what had brought joy into her existence in the past can absolutely be brought forth once again in the now with true diligence, and instilling a “doer” mindset. I do understand how it can be difficult to start loving yourself again by living within your purpose from dwelling outside of it for many years. Although, it’s never too late to take this opportunity at a new height and space to look within yourself and ask out loud, What is my purpose in life today!? Every day you can reestablish yourself if you chose to do so, but you have to TRY or then else otherwise continue to live your life closely amongst your lower self, producing dis-ease/depression. I go into more in depth insights on how to look within yourself in order to find your purpose in Life inside of my book titled, “The Traditional Modalities for Healing.” So, I leave you with this my friends, Why are you here today, What is your purpose in life? Please leave me a comment below in the comment section. Peace! Written By: S.j ***Stay Tuned in to reality in consciousness by simply Clicking on the Links Below! ~The Traditional Modalities for Healing by: Reality S.J Fields ~Website ~YouTube ~IG ~Paypal 12/2/2017 0 Comments Are You VEGAN? | But.. WHY?!~Reality in Consciousness
September 2016 (yes, last year)~A coworker and I were having an interesting conversation in the employee staff lounge, bashing all of the Vegan/Vegetarian individuals of the world. The conversation’s main topic and highlights was directed toward how much we both were in Love with our daily meat consumptions, especially all versions of barb-b-que meat, like ribs (yum,yum). We went on to criticize non-meat eaters and how they were especially weird to turn down such protein delicacies during meal(meat) times. I find this recollection most intriguing now, because this was my very first time standing-up for meat products and meat eaters. One week later to that exact day, my life, once again had transformed for the betterment of my mental health. On this particular day, I just so happened to be brainstorming out loud in regards to how I was not feeling at my most optimum health. I was experiencing a perpetual cycle of feeling discouraged about all decisions, defeat, worry, anxiety, fear, and guilt. Usually, I would allow for those thoughts to populate internally, but this day, I was so done with feeling like crap. While standing in my kitchen, I had voiced out loud about how much more of my daily exercises I’ve been keeping up with on routine, plus reducing my consumption of processed and high-fat meat. So, why in the heck was I still feeling like sh**!? As I began contemplating on all of my efforts to change my old eating habits and increased exercise, I simply gave into a critical thought suggested by my primary care physician. That afternoon I would email my doctor to discuss anti-depressant medication options. At my last visit, my PCP had encouraged the administration of a low dose regiment of Zoloft to reduce “depressed” symptoms. I know that by now you’re probably wondering, what does this have to do with my topic at hand, but bear with me on this one. The first appointment and establishment with my new doctor, she had noted a significant amount of anxiety in relation to my family matters. Instead of us discussing any specifics, at each appointment thereafter, I had received a check-off form asking, in between the numbers one through ten, how anxious had I been feeling lately, and etc. I would always check mark the number in the middle, unsure if I was truly depressed. As a matter of fact, I honestly was confused about if I were really “deeply sad” or not. Most of the time, I had found solace and clarity in journaling and listening to music to inspire myself. Then with my anxiety, at the time, I absolutely was uncertain about what it had looked like on me. So, here I was standing in my kitchen, debating with myself back and forth if I should just go ahead and email my doctor to begin taking this Zoloft medication. What had occurred next reshaped my existence forever. Still standing in the kitchen preparing a chicken salad for lunch and watching videos online, Dr. Sebi had appeared on my YouTube feed for the first time. The title of it was here at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX9Y2uZEJIo. After studying Dr. Sebi’s words, right then in that very moment it was a no brainer for me to answer a higher calling. I studied/educated myself on the benefits of a Vegan-plant-based Lifestyle, and had unlearned the lessons of the country United States of America miseducation on nutritional values. By SIMPLY making a choice to back away from what is the “norm” for America’s eating habits, and demanding cooperation from my lower-self, many phenomena began to materialize. Over this short period of time, toxic thoughts regarding self and past/present relationships became to subside and were a lot more manageable in clarity. I saw success in every situation and each outcome was noted as a learning tool instead of defeat. My awakening state (dreams) were more vivid; My higher-self had appeared in one of them. Nature seemed to be more vibrant and alive, as I tuned into the birds and other elements outdoors, I feel as if I am a part of them. There were many physical and spiritual changes within me from transitioning my eating lifestyle. Since 11years old, I had suffered from extreme monthly menstrual cramps. Due to this, all of my past doctors had encouraged the administration of a contraceptive drug to reduce the severe menstrual symptoms. I completely disregarded their attempts to begin a drug to mask my symptoms until my early thirties, when I actually wanted to “feel” better during the time of my monthly cycle. So, I gave in and started a daily dose of birth control, per my primary care physician. All the while, the menstrual symptoms had not only gotten worse, but I felt even more mentally drained before and after menstruating. I was placed on a lower dose of contraceptives 6months later, but had the same side effects of feeling like I was completely exhausted. Not only that, before I was to begin my monthly cycle, I would always receive a warning sign from my body's system by with with headaches. The abdominal cramps were absolutely miserable and distressing where I had no choice but to cry from the discomfort (since 11years old.) Of course, my PCP had an answer for my severe cramps by writing a script for 800mg Ibuprofen twice a day as needed. The primary care physician had boasted about the way the birth control had reduced my menstruation cycle days from originally ten or more to now just seven to counter what I was still experiencing. I was pissed and over feeling like a walking dead for far too many years!! Moving forward to the now: by with me eliminating meat, dairy, and processed foods from my body, the extreme menstrual danger signs had dissipated. Yes, it was just that damn simple! I will never forget all of the years that I needed to suffer in pain in order to receive this revelation, because it was and still is, well worth the fight to bring forth enlightenment to you today. For Dr. Sebi, I will forever give thanks as I pour a daily libation in his memory/energy, Ase’! I AM A WOMAN, I AM HEALER! Since the very beginning of my new lifestyle on being a Vegan, there has been a lot of confusion about what I eat in a day. Listen lovely people, it’s not difficult to put meals together based on your nutritional needs. What you must first learn to do is turn off your television set, and educate yourself on the vital information about healthy eating habits for your short and long-term prosperity goals in life. When I, for a second, glance at a television commercial, I notice the mass promotion of meat, dairy, and sugar which can be toxic to an already weakened immune system. I highly recommend that you educate yourself on the studies of U.S.A ’s over-consumption of these products, and how we’re all at risk for disease due to it. Now, with that being said, there are so many home cooks out there for you to research once you have made the decision to begin transitioning to living a healthier lifestyle. Ty’s Conscious Kitchen promotes an Alkaline Lifestyle with precision and humor, check out his YouTube page here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC72SMjUMZAadKapji30Iohg. Sweet Potato Soul is a favorite Vegan cook of mine, because we share the same similarities in the presentation of fruits and veggies as a form of art: Check-out her channel here https://www.youtube.com/user/SweetPotatoSoul?pbjreload=10. The Chic Natural is another great channel for everyday Vegans, please see what I mean herehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DFvp2CBfs&list=PLicaKnNqdGeQUU1o_LLE3BeTKaQ-ctOut&index=4. After all beautiful people, please research what will work for you and your immediate family. Do not be misled by the “ways of the world”, EDUCATE yourself and speak power into your words and existence! That is why I AM A VEGAN, Thank You and Peace. ~S.J ***Stay Tuned in to reality in consciousness by simply Clicking on the Links Below! ~The Traditional Modalities for Healing by: Reality S.J Fields ~Website ~YouTube ~IG ~Paypal |
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January 2025
“In Naturopathy, the connection between the Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional bodies is the foundation for good health. One of my goals is to help restore & maintain a natural balance for the client.”
-ShawNee Janelle