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🔺The New Orleans VoodoO TArot | BasicS 🔺 ➠https://youtu.be/hQmIKo_NWLw 🔺ERZULIE LOVE OR UNION READING | ⟪♨️❖CONNECTING HIGH VIBES▲♨️⟫ ➠https://youtu.be/Kbea6lwFSCM 🔺New Orleans #Voodoo Tarot | 🔥DAMBALLAH LA FLAMBEAU ➠https://youtu.be/sbxcCus3FuM 🔥 🕯 THE WEEKLY TAROT CARD READING | for 9/20/20 - 9/26/20🕯 #VoodooTarot
Welcome back everyone to a new week with Reality In Balance where I’ll do a general, collective Tarot Card Reading to forecast the energies for the week of 9/27 - 10/3 with the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot Card deck. Please take the time to like this video and subscribe to our youtube channel. In last week’s tarot card reading, mutuality became the balance of all energies where Erzulie set the center stage to dispel universal opposition with love and beauty. While the energetic source presented in the past and future context came out to be the Petro nation to proceed individual transformation, interestingly, Erzulie made her defense in the Congo, watery sense for the collective as the current origin. SUN/MOON FORECAST HAPPY Earthday♁ to all of the ♎ celebrating this year in 2020! We’ll all be experiencing qualities of harmony and balance with the astrological sign of ♎ trekking its way around the sun. ♎ are ruled by the planet Venus with its elemental force being air.
The current moon phase is waxing gibbous in the astrological sign of ♒. We’re rapidly moving toward October’s first of two full moons. On Thursday, October 1st is our first full moon into the fall equinox. It will be in the sign of ♈ where the energy is pushing for us to redefine life’s purpose so that we all can benefit from a new perspective on forward-moving.
Past/Current Collective: II MARIE LAVEAU To begin with, the gifts of sacred knowledge endowed by the High Priestess is always a treasure. In the past, an interconnection was granted by the energetic source of Marie Laveau. We need to ensure that this connection is aligning with a focus. This journey can only be deciphered by our experiences, which leads to the validity that confirms righteousness onto a path. We have a full moon coming up, so this is a necessary phase to release any unwanted desires.
Current Collective: XII ZOMBIE The general collective energetic reading entails a sacrifice. Enforced on us all are questions about the near future, but are you doubting yourself? With so many distractions, which has led to us questioning spiritual fate during these times, try to look past all negativity and see that the Divine will help those who can help themself. You have the free will to see distractions as a sign from a non-perverse perspective.
Future/ Current Collective: VIII POSSESSION So that we are empowered in every situation, there’s a veil of optimism in the future/current setting for the collective to see into. For this energy to become non-conflicting, an act of courage and efficacy will be required for us to surrender to the process of change. The Ancestors continue through us as a way of perseverance. Ase
The final bonus card comes from the Soul's Journey deck, which will give us the special guidance from our higher-self that is connected to the infinite all, Divine Creator.
Message: DISCIPLINE- I can accomplish what I set my mind to.
HOW TO GROUND in HOLISTIC HEALTH | USING ROOT ESSENTIAL OILSWelcome back, everyone, to Reality in Balance, wherein this blog-podcast, we’ll discuss the aromatic parts of the root plant for grounding and balancing our health holistically. When we think about grounding ourselves, some expressions might come to mind like being humble, self-disciplined, or to have a foundation built on willed self-determination in life. Whatever that may be, grounding is necessary for all of us to embody, because life has its courses of change and directions. Therefore, we all need to stay on a track that is balanced to have fewer distractions.
Historically, holistic practitioners knew what we know today that root essential oils carry powerful chemical components. Below the ground of the earth, roots are the most natural plant part for grounding energy and providing stability. There are various layers to understanding the energetic levels of root oils. Let’s explore what it means to be spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically grounded in holistic health, using root essential oils as a conduit. |
Spiritual Benefits: The advanced awareness on how to use the root essential oils to develop a spiritual connection to our Ancestors and Spiritual Guides are grounded in this resilient plant part. The spiritual use of a root essential oil can help us uncover the spiritual essence of our spiritual practice. |
Mental Benefits:
To manage and balance your “thought process” for creating a happy, stable, and productive life is essential. We can keep our minds focused on the positives in life with root essential oils. The subtle mental body contains all of the thought patterns in our consciousness that create our reality. Begin grounding with clear intentions to stay focused while utilizing root essential oils. |
Emotional Benefits: Use root essential oils as a tool for coping and to unblock underlying challenges. Sometimes, our poor coping skills may be what disallows us from remaining grounded in life. The emotional body is just as real as the physical body. After all, we don’t have to be convinced that everyone has feelings. A root essential oil can help you get in touch with, embrace, or transmute your emotions. Balance is always the key, and it begins with the awareness of how we feel in all situations. |
Physical Benefits:
Use root essential oils to sustain the physical, mundane existence of ourselves. Just like our root chakra is connected to financial stability, we can utilize root essential oils for career support as well. In this instance, root oils can enhance the physical body or how we exist. |
Root essential oils symbolize a lifelong of longevity and give our physical work stability to keep our energy grounded. Based on these metaphysical principles, as well as the physiological benefits provided by root essential oils, spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional compatibilities, it can restore our health holistically.
“The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing”, Margaret Ann Lembo
“Mixing Essential Oils for Magic”, by Sandra Kynes
🔺The New Orleans VoodoO TArot | BasicS
🔺New Orleans #Voodoo Tarot |
🔥DAMBALLAH LA FLAMBEAU ➠https://youtu.be/sbxcCus3FuM
🕯General Collective Tarot Card Reading
for 9/13/20 - 9/19/20 BLOG: ➠https://www.realitynconsciousness.com/
In last week’s tarot card reading, Spirit had confirmed the collective source of identity and where our mastery aligns with and from whom. There has been a lot of solidarity appearing from the Orishas in the last few weeks as a sign of protection and strength through the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot card readings. Now that we’re all entering into a new cycle of change, it’ll be interesting to see what lies ahead toward the collective healing, and our awareness through Spiritual growth.
We entered into The New Moon’s cycle on September 17th, and are currently in the waxing crescent phase, representing new sprouts and forward moving.
SUN: ♍️ Earth sign- ruled by Mercury ☿
9/22/20 ♎ Air sign- ruled by Venus♀ MOON: ♏ Water sign-ruled by Pluto♇ MOON PHASE : 🌒Waxing Crescent NEW MOON was 9/17/20: 🌑,♍ Libra Tarot Card : XI Secret Societies ♾ Current Retrogrades ♾ (7) - Mars, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, Pluto, and Uranus ♾Mars♂ September 9th - November 13th, 2020 - Action, physical energy ♾Saturn ♄ - contraction and effort ♾Chiron⚷ - wounded/healer ♾Neptune ♆ - transcendental liberty, non-egotistical ♾Pluto ♇ - transformation, mutation, elimination ♾Uranus ♅ - individual liberty, egoistic liberty |
THE WEEKLY TAROT CARD READING for 9/20/20 - 9/26/20
Past/Current Collective:
9 PETRO, Masa La Flambeau-
Current Collective:
PETRO 10, Azaka La Flambeau
The final bonus card comes from the Soul's Journey deck, which will give us the special guidance from our higher-self that is connected to the infinite all, Divine Creator.
Message: SURRENDER- I can release my need for control. Archives
September 2020
🕯My Website➠https://www.realityinbalance.com/
🔺The New Orleans VoodoO TArot | BasicS
🔺New Orleans #Voodoo Tarot |
🔥DAMBALLAH LA FLAMBEAU ➠https://youtu.be/sbxcCus3FuM
🕯General Collective Tarot Card Reading
for 9/13/20 - 9/19/20 BLOG: ➠https://www.realitynconsciousness.com/realitynconsciousnesscom/the-weekly-tarot-card-reading-for-91320-91920
🔺The New Orleans VoodoO TArot | BasicS
🔺New Orleans #Voodoo Tarot |
Welcome back to a new week everyone with Reality In Balance where I’ll do a general, collective Tarot Card Reading to forecast the energies for the week of 9/13 - 9/19 with the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot card deck. Please take the time to like this video and subscribe to our youtube channel.
In last week’s general, collective tarot card reading, it had dealt with our fiery emotions, in the sense of being aware of the conditioning that had kept us docile for some time. More importantly, our ancestors had shown us exactly how protective they are during the last reading with its future and current energetic signatures. They know what needs to be activated in the heart to get us to this next level of change and awareness. Take a moment to revisit last week’s reading, and then decipher it for yourself.
All of my tarot card general readings are focused on both dual planes, and bring balance to the collective, despite the supposed negative forces that lead with their divisive tactics to our physical existence by spiritual warfare.
HAPPY Earthday ♁ to ♍️ celebrating this year in 2020! We’ll all be experiencing Virgo’s passion and interest through the sun with added practical skills, spiritual work, and its resourceful and assisting qualities from August 22nd - September 22nd. Virgos are ruled by the planet Mercury, and its elemental force is Earth.
The ☾ last quarter moon was on September 10th and is currently moving to the waning crescent phase which will be the final stage collectively for everyone in this cycle. The New Moon is set for September 17th, 2020 in the astrological sign of Virgo. So, here we have the planet Mercury ruling in both forces of the sun and moon. The astrological signs of ♊, ♎, and ♒ are the least affected by the New Moon, but they may experience a sense of some new form of organization during this phase in their life. Due to this, my fellow air signs, try being more receptive and tolerant of life’s imperfections during this moon cycle.
♾Saturn ♄ - contraction and effort
♾Chiron⚷ - wounded/healer
♾Neptune ♆ - transcendental liberty, non-egotistical
♾Pluto ♇ - transformation, mutation, elimination
♾Uranus ♅ - individual liberty, egoistic liberty
Santeria, Oriate҅-
Ⅴ Master of the Head-
PETRO 7, Erzulie La Flambeau
🔺The New Orleans VoodoO TArot | BasicS
🔺New Orleans #Voodoo Tarot |
🔥DAMBALLAH LA FLAMBEAU https://youtu.be/sbxcCus3FuM🔥
Root Chakra Balancing
Balancing the Root Chakra gives energy to the physical body, controls fear, and increases overall health. It governs physical awareness, grounding, stability, vigor, survival, trust, relationship with money, home, job, security, feet, and legs. It is the true seat of the collective consciousness.
Bloodstone- resonates with the base or Root Chakra. Bloodstone is also excellent for realigning all of the lower chakras and is a good crystal for overall chakra balance. Bloodstone will keep one well-grounded with a very strong Earth Life Force connection.
Red Jasper- stimulates the Base, or Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, and controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling and movement. Place a red jasper at the base of the spine during meditation or wherever appropriate. In a bead form, red Jasper can alleviate worry while wearing it as a bracelet or necklace.
Garnet- supports the energy center at the base of your spine, which is responsible for your feelings of safety and security. Wear in contact with skin for Root Chakra Balancing
Ruby- commonly identified with the Root Chakra due to its reddish hues. Physically, ruby overcomes exhaustion and calms hyperactivity. Suggested positions are fingers, heart, and ankle.
Red Coral- activates the Root Chakra, releasing blocked energy. It safeguards the wearer from wallowing in depression and purifies the body, helping it purge itself of toxins
Agate- stimulate the Base or Root Chakra
Hematite- good for working with the Root Chakra, helping to transform negative energies into a more positive vibration
Obsidian- associated with the Root Chakra, obsidian is known for healing attributes that work very quickly and deeply to release negative energies
Magnetite- has a deep positive vibration, with a magnetic attraction to help you bring into your life what you most want
Smoky Quartz- a powerful grounding gemstone. It stimulates and balances all chakra centers, particularly the Root Chakra, which is associated with healing
"The Chakra Handbook", by Sharamon and Baginski
"Natural Health and Wellness", by K. Akua Gray
ShawNee Janelle
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“In Naturopathy, the connection between the Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional bodies is the foundation for good health. One of my goals is to help restore & maintain a natural balance for the client.”
-ShawNee Janelle