🏴☠️ WEEKLY VOODOO TAROT READINGHow well do you know yourself? To “Know Thyself” is one of the deep-rooted foundations studied in ancient African wisdom which underlie many of the Proverbs that are inscribed into the walls of Egypt’s Luxor Temple. In this 8-card voodoo tarot spread, a person can discover balance in the threads of their being.
XVII Z’Etoile Your understanding of the universe is the new journey that has been set-out right in front of you. The star is born. If you're experiencing six sense phenomena, look into it as a new level of spiritual growth. |
CONGO HOUNSIS At this moment, your understanding of the earth is through the filter of beauty. What a wonderful way for you to see Mother Earth. The energy is reciprocal with the kindest attributes t of Erzulie. |
3 RADA GUEDEH It is up to you to release all trials of sorrow. The lessons from your parents are for you to internalize it into something better. Saturn’s energy is our true lessons, represented here in Guedeh. |
XX ANCESTORS Saturn appears again concerning your relationship between mind and body awareness. You are connected in this way to a divine source through your mind and body. The tarot cards reveal the respect that is rendered towards the XX Ancestors. |
VII DANCE Wow! You’re able to create possibilities for yourself through rapid, physical action. VIII Dance is a sacred movement. With the astrological sign of Cancer characteristics, it’s energy is used to manifest loa. |
9 CUPS MADAME LA LUNE To invoke your curiosity would be through the reflection of life. Time, seasons, and orderly change gives you a sense of happiness. In the astral realm, transformation is invoked by your curiosity from the unknown to the flow of knowing again. |
10 CUPS GRAN BOIS What fascinates you the most is seeing your life gravitating to the benefit of good. So far in this reading, the energy of water has been strong because you are receptive to it. The acts of good and seeing it play a role in all things and people will flourish in the aspects of your life. |
VI MARASSA A distinct awareness of opposites will keep you on your true purpose in life and is represented as balance. You accept other people and their ideas and this is a sign of personal growth. You have learned that division can be used as a weapon in life. |
🔺The New Orleans VoodoO TArot | BasicS 🔺 ➠https://youtu.be/hQmIKo_NWLw
🔺New Orleans #Voodoo Tarot | 🔥DAMBALLAH LA FLAMBEAU ➠https://youtu.be/sbxcCus3FuM 🔥
🕯 THE WEEKLY TAROT CARD READING | for 9/27/20 - 10/3/20🕯
Welcome back to a new week with Reality In Balance, where I will do a general, collective Tarot Card Reading to forecast the energies for the week of 10/4- 10/10 with the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot Card deck. Please take the time to like this video and subscribe to our youtube channel.
All of my tarot card general readings are focused on both dual planes, and bring balance to the collective, despite the supposed negative forces that lead with their divisive tactics to our physical existence by spiritual warfare.
Our tarot reading from last week, we discovered significant events in all three representations of the current past, present, and future energies. But- Not only that, I couldn’t get the video to upload last week, no matter the effort put in, it remained impossible to upload after upload, all day. Nevertheless, we’re back with another reading and newer ideas. You can find last week’s tarot card reading at Reality in Balance.com.
HAPPY Earthday♁ to all of the ♎ celebrating this year in 2020! We’ll all be experiencing qualities of harmony and balance with the astrological sign of ♎ trekking its way around the sun. ♎ are ruled by the planet Venus with its elemental force being air.
The current moon phase is waning in the astrological sign of ♉ and full. The Full Moon in Aries was on October 1st, and its hue appeared to be a deep, burned orange color, hence its name, the Harvest moon. What a great way to start the fall equinox as we all enter a new phase in life.
SUN☉: ♎ Air sign- ruled by Venus♀
MOON 🌕, ♉ : Earth sign- ruled by Venus ♅ MOON PHASE : 🌕 Waning FULL MOON 🌕 was on 10/1/20, ♈ LIBRA TAROT CARD: XI SECRET SOCIETIES ARIES TAROT CARD : IV LOCO TAURUS: V MASTER OF THE HEAD ♾ Current Retrogrades ♾ (5) - Mars, Chiron, Neptune, Pluto, and Uranus ♾Mars♂ September 9th - November 13th, 2020 - Action, physical energy ♾Chiron⚷ - wounded/healer ♾Neptune ♆ - transcendental liberty, non-egotistical ♾Pluto ♇ - transformation, mutation, elimination ♾Uranus ♅ - individual liberty, egoistic liberty |
THE WEEKLY TAROT CARD READING for 10/4/20 - 10/10/20
10 Santeria, OCHOSI
4 Santeria, OBTALA`
Right away, the general energy is with sacred knowledge and divine wisdom. We have stability, grounding, benevolence, and wise sacrament as the current energetic force. Whenever I see the signatures of Obatala, I feel a sense of care and generosity. Obatala is an old, gentle, and laid-back kind of guy in this specific form. Since it's the second Orisha in a row to represent earthly matters in this reading, these symbols mean that the works are behind the scenes, favoring our ancestors.
Future/ Current Collective:
Santeria, SANTERA
The final bonus card comes from the Soul's Journey deck, which will give us the special guidance from our higher-self that is connected to the infinite all, Divine Creator.
🔺The New Orleans VoodoO TArot | BasicS 🔺
🔺New Orleans #Voodoo Tarot |
🔥DAMBALLAH LA FLAMBEAU ➠https://youtu.be/sbxcCus3FuM 🔥
🕯 THE WEEKLY TAROT CARD READING | for 9/20/20 - 9/26/20🕯
Welcome back everyone to a new week with Reality In Balance where I’ll do a general, collective Tarot Card Reading to forecast the energies for the week of 9/27 - 10/3 with the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot Card deck. Please take the time to like this video and subscribe to our youtube channel.
In last week’s tarot card reading, mutuality became the balance of all energies where Erzulie set the center stage to dispel universal opposition with love and beauty. While the energetic source presented in the past and future context came out to be the Petro nation to proceed individual transformation, interestingly, Erzulie made her defense in the Congo, watery sense for the collective as the current origin.
The current moon phase is waxing gibbous in the astrological sign of ♒. We’re rapidly moving toward October’s first of two full moons. On Thursday, October 1st is our first full moon into the fall equinox. It will be in the sign of ♈ where the energy is pushing for us to redefine life’s purpose so that we all can benefit from a new perspective on forward-moving.
SUN: ♎ Air sign- ruled by Venus♀ MOON: ♒ Air sign-ruled by Uranus ♅ MOON PHASE : 🌔 Waxing Gibbous FULL MOON 10/1/20: 🌕, ♈ LIBRA TAROT CARD: XI SECRET SOCIETIES ARIES TAROT CARD : IV LOCO ♾ Current Retrogrades ♾ (6) - Mars, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, Pluto, and Uranus ♾Mars♂ September 9th - November 13th, 2020 - Action, physical energy ♾Saturn ♄ - contraction and effort ♾Chiron⚷ - wounded/healer ♾Neptune ♆ - transcendental liberty, non-egotistical ♾Pluto ♇ - transformation, mutation, elimination ♾Uranus ♅ - individual liberty, egoistic liberty |
THE WEEKLY TAROT CARD READING for 9/27/20 - 10/3/20
Past/Current Collective:
Current Collective:
Future/ Current Collective:
🔺The New Orleans VoodoO TArot | BasicS
🔺New Orleans #Voodoo Tarot |
🔥DAMBALLAH LA FLAMBEAU ➠https://youtu.be/sbxcCus3FuM
🕯General Collective Tarot Card Reading
for 9/13/20 - 9/19/20 BLOG: ➠https://www.realitynconsciousness.com/
In last week’s tarot card reading, Spirit had confirmed the collective source of identity and where our mastery aligns with and from whom. There has been a lot of solidarity appearing from the Orishas in the last few weeks as a sign of protection and strength through the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot card readings. Now that we’re all entering into a new cycle of change, it’ll be interesting to see what lies ahead toward the collective healing, and our awareness through Spiritual growth.
We entered into The New Moon’s cycle on September 17th, and are currently in the waxing crescent phase, representing new sprouts and forward moving.
SUN: ♍️ Earth sign- ruled by Mercury ☿
9/22/20 ♎ Air sign- ruled by Venus♀ MOON: ♏ Water sign-ruled by Pluto♇ MOON PHASE : 🌒Waxing Crescent NEW MOON was 9/17/20: 🌑,♍ Libra Tarot Card : XI Secret Societies ♾ Current Retrogrades ♾ (7) - Mars, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, Pluto, and Uranus ♾Mars♂ September 9th - November 13th, 2020 - Action, physical energy ♾Saturn ♄ - contraction and effort ♾Chiron⚷ - wounded/healer ♾Neptune ♆ - transcendental liberty, non-egotistical ♾Pluto ♇ - transformation, mutation, elimination ♾Uranus ♅ - individual liberty, egoistic liberty |
THE WEEKLY TAROT CARD READING for 9/20/20 - 9/26/20
Past/Current Collective:
9 PETRO, Masa La Flambeau-
Current Collective:
PETRO 10, Azaka La Flambeau
The final bonus card comes from the Soul's Journey deck, which will give us the special guidance from our higher-self that is connected to the infinite all, Divine Creator.
Message: SURRENDER- I can release my need for control. Archives
September 2020
🕯My Website➠https://www.realityinbalance.com/
🔺The New Orleans VoodoO TArot | BasicS
🔺New Orleans #Voodoo Tarot |
🔥DAMBALLAH LA FLAMBEAU ➠https://youtu.be/sbxcCus3FuM
🕯General Collective Tarot Card Reading
for 9/13/20 - 9/19/20 BLOG: ➠https://www.realitynconsciousness.com/realitynconsciousnesscom/the-weekly-tarot-card-reading-for-91320-91920
🔺The New Orleans VoodoO TArot | BasicS
🔺New Orleans #Voodoo Tarot |
Welcome back to a new week everyone with Reality In Balance where I’ll do a general, collective Tarot Card Reading to forecast the energies for the week of 9/13 - 9/19 with the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot card deck. Please take the time to like this video and subscribe to our youtube channel.
In last week’s general, collective tarot card reading, it had dealt with our fiery emotions, in the sense of being aware of the conditioning that had kept us docile for some time. More importantly, our ancestors had shown us exactly how protective they are during the last reading with its future and current energetic signatures. They know what needs to be activated in the heart to get us to this next level of change and awareness. Take a moment to revisit last week’s reading, and then decipher it for yourself.
All of my tarot card general readings are focused on both dual planes, and bring balance to the collective, despite the supposed negative forces that lead with their divisive tactics to our physical existence by spiritual warfare.
HAPPY Earthday ♁ to ♍️ celebrating this year in 2020! We’ll all be experiencing Virgo’s passion and interest through the sun with added practical skills, spiritual work, and its resourceful and assisting qualities from August 22nd - September 22nd. Virgos are ruled by the planet Mercury, and its elemental force is Earth.
The ☾ last quarter moon was on September 10th and is currently moving to the waning crescent phase which will be the final stage collectively for everyone in this cycle. The New Moon is set for September 17th, 2020 in the astrological sign of Virgo. So, here we have the planet Mercury ruling in both forces of the sun and moon. The astrological signs of ♊, ♎, and ♒ are the least affected by the New Moon, but they may experience a sense of some new form of organization during this phase in their life. Due to this, my fellow air signs, try being more receptive and tolerant of life’s imperfections during this moon cycle.
♾Saturn ♄ - contraction and effort
♾Chiron⚷ - wounded/healer
♾Neptune ♆ - transcendental liberty, non-egotistical
♾Pluto ♇ - transformation, mutation, elimination
♾Uranus ♅ - individual liberty, egoistic liberty
Santeria, Oriate҅-
Ⅴ Master of the Head-
PETRO 7, Erzulie La Flambeau
🔺The New Orleans VoodoO TArot | BasicS
🔺New Orleans #Voodoo Tarot |
🔥DAMBALLAH LA FLAMBEAU https://youtu.be/sbxcCus3FuM🔥
ShawNee Janelle
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“In Naturopathy, the connection between the Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional bodies is the foundation for good health. One of my goals is to help restore & maintain a natural balance for the client.”
-ShawNee Janelle