Juicing is a great way to receive adequate nutrients into the body system to boost immunity health. Single-ingredient juices are the best option for the digestive system. Multiple ingredient juices are healthy just as well, but I’d like to make a point towards simplicity for a healthy lifestyle instead.
❖ THE HOLISTIC HEALTH VIEWTolerated by most people, especially children, juicing celery is a simple way to boost health and maintain immunity at home. High in water content, celery has protective properties beneficial for the brain, digestive, circulatory, and nervous systems. A natural treatment for arthritis, celery contains at least 12 factors that have anti-inflammatory effects. Celery is available for juicing all year round, with a peak season from November-May. It's best to plan to use celery in abundance during these times, especially for juicing to increase immunity health benefits. Grown commercially in the United States since 1880, celery belongs to the same plant family as carrots, parsley, fennel, caraway, and anise. Celery is alkaline and needed to dispose of toxic, acidic waste from the food, water, and air consumed each day. The leaves of celery are rich in sulfur, potassium, and sodium to alleviate acid imbalances in the body. Celery juice combined with fresh apple juice can neutralize acids in the digestive system, nervous system, and circulatory system to boost health and immunity. ❖ BOOST IMMUNITY HEALTH ➠ Alkaline ➠Anti-Inflammatory effects ➠Reduce Acids in body ➠Natural treatment for arthritis, neuritis, and rheumatism ➠ Aids digestion ➠Reduce fermentation ➠Reduced acidosis ➠Reduce blood pressure ➠ Good source of Vitamin A, B1, B2 ✅ ➠ Rich in Chlorine, Sodium, and Potassium
*For the individuals experiencing irritability, nervousness, tips of feet/hands burning sensation, and losing strength/grip in hands, check B Vitamin levels and the sources of Thiamine to increase good health and immunity.
At home, juicing is simple. You will only need a few staple items to start with in the kitchen, but the real sense of holistic wellness begins with the temple, at home.
*To prevent organ stress of the kidneys, celery juice should be diluted with a 1:1 ratio, adding spring/alkaline or chemical-free water. Ex. 8oz is measured for a serving of juice. Therefore 4oz of juice and 4oz of water are measured. Celery: 3 medium sliced = 1c veg: 1c water.
❖Reality in Balance.com
❖Therapeutic Self Care ❖Holistic Health Tips ❖Celebrity Health & Wellness Edition Juicing is a great way to receive adequate nutrients into the body system to boost immunity health. Single-ingredient juices are the best option for the digestive system. Multiple ingredient juices are healthy just as well, but I’d like to make a point towards simplicity for a healthy lifestyle instead. The letter "A" is for apple and has been around for so long that it's well known as the first fruit on earth. Hieroglyphic writings found inside tombs and pyramids from the ancient Kemet/Egyptian people show apples as food and medicine. Apple(s) have been the center of folklore for thousands of years with the most recent Adam/Eve story and popularized in today's tech advances with Apple products. ❖ BOOST IMMUNITY HEALTH
❖ VItamin A (Beta Carotene) ✅
➠Antioxidant ➠Enhances Immunity ➠Prevent eye imbalances ➠ Promotes Digestion ➠ Promotes Healing/Cell Growth ➠ Promotes Healthy Skin ➠Reduces Colds/Influenza/Infection ❖ Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) ✅ ➠Alleviates Fatigue ➠Antibody production ➠Red Blood Cell Formation ➠Cell Respiration |
❖ At Home, Fresh- Apples
*To prevent organ stress of the kidneys, apple juice should be diluted with a 1:1 ratio, adding spring/alkaline or chemical-free water. Ex. 8oz is measured for a serving of juice. Therefore 4oz of juice and 4oz of water are measured.
Ex. Apple: ½ large= 1c fruit: 1c water
What I Use At Home:
Glass Jar
Juice Bag/Cheesecloth bag
Spring Water
Organic Gala Apples- Fall/Winter
Organic Red Delicious Apples/Variety- Summer
What I Do At Home:
Wash Apples
Cut Halves
Remove Core/Seeds
Blend Apples and Water
Strain Blend
Consume within 24hrs
❖Therapeutic Self Care
❖Holistic Health Tips
❖Celebrity Health & Wellness
Did You Know That
“When the effects of chemicals appear, they are misdiagnosed as the flu, infection, venereal disease, allergies, headaches, tension, stress, depression, fatigue and, more.”- Dr. Llaila O. Afrika.
The commercial fast foods that aren’t naturally processed are genetically altered and highly toxic. There are no commercial foods safe to eat. These toxins and synthetic chemicals destroy and deteriorate the human body and are addicting.
We may be... 1) using refined white sugar that has been demineralized- (almost everything contains a form of sugar today). 2) we don’t get the purest, most natural foods anymore, because manufacturers add dyes, acids, artificial flavors, texturizes, preservatives, synthetic chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, and steroids. |
If you had an organic pomegranate in one hand and a pickle in the other to eat, you have to decide which one is best: natural or processed? You know that your body needs natural/organic foods for balance.
“Foods That Heal”, by Dr. Bernard Jensen
“African Holistic Health”, by Dr. Llaila O. Afrika
“The Complete Book of Alternative Nutrition”, by Selene Y. Young, Jennifer Haigh
“Natural Health and Wellness, The Consultant Manual”, by Dr. K. Akua Gray
Contaminated Fruits and Vegetables
Pesticides can enter the body through inhalation, skin contact from contaminated soil, water, and foods. Over a period of time, pesticides can contaminate the body with toxins, free radicals, and waste products that stress the filtering systems of the body and reduce the body’s ability to fight diseases.
Since the Environmental Protection Agency was founded in 1970, 134 pesticides have stopped being used in the United States, and 37 have been outlawed. The systemic spraying of pesticides introduces harmful chemicals to be absorbed by a plant when applied to its seeds, soil, or leaves. The chemicals then circulate through the plant's tissues, killing the insects that feed on them. Some pesticides are dangerous to human health. Pesticides are linked to a list of long-term illnesses such as prostate, lung, thyroid, and bone cancer; diabetes; Parkinson's disease, asthma, and macular degeneration. See the source information linked below. |
Dr. Akua Gray, “The Most Contaminated Fruits and Vegetables Chart”
1. Celery 2. Spinach 3. Potatoes 4. Sweet red bell pepper 5. Lettuce 6. Carrots 7. Green beans 8. Hot peppers 9. Cucumbers |
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines pesticides as any chemical substance used to regulate, prevent, or destroy plants or pests. Pesticides are used throughout the world as mixtures called formulations, such as Roundup, a glyphosate-based weed killer tested as the most toxic herbicide and insecticide with carcinogenic properties.
Reduce contamination by shopping at local food markets where organic produce is sold, buy organic fruits and vegetables, or grow your produce at home. Eating organic fruits and vegetables from the produce section or grown at home means that you are ingesting high amounts of vitamins, minerals, and fiber needed for balance.
Natural, whole, or organic food's connection to health and wellness can be easy for us to relate. As with all organic foods, none are grown or handled using genetically modified organisms prohibited by USDA organic standards.
Natural Health and Wellness: The Consultant Manual, by Akua Gray
U.S. States that Use the Most (and Least) Glyphosate
Pesticides explained: the toxic chemicals in up to 70% of produce
What are Natural, Organic Foods?
How To Shop for Natural, Organic Foods
Major Pesticides Are More Toxic to Human Cells Than Their Declared Active Principles
The USA lags behind other agricultural nations in banning harmful pesticides
How to Shop for Natural, Organic Foods
Eating healthier is what we all strive to do consistently to feel better on the inside and to maintain homeostasis in our body. Therefore, your natural, organic shopping experience begins in the produce section of the grocery store for natural, organic foods. Shopping in the produce section is where eating healthy becomes a lifestyle. If the first go-to meal in the morning is at a local coffee shop for java and a pastry, and the last meal of the day is a fast-food drive-thru, then you're consuming artificial colors, flavoring, processed, and denatured foods at significantly high levels. Especially true for people with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and hyperactive irregularities, such as ADHD. |
9**** is Organic Produce
8**** is Genetically Modified Produce 4**** and 3**** are Conventional Produce grown with approved pesticides |
The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the more important it is to buy organically grown produce. The difference between organic and conventional produce is the number of pesticides used to defend against insects while the plant is in the growing stage.
❖ Look for the Natural or Organic produce labeling with the print, Certified by the USDA
❖ Shop for whatproduce is in season- it will more likely to be on sale
❖ Do not purchase wilted, rotten fruits and vegetables
❖ Shop for fruits and vegetables often, once or twice a week to maintain its good quality
ShawNee Janelle
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“In Naturopathy, the connection between the Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional bodies is the foundation for good health. One of my goals is to help restore & maintain a natural balance for the client.”
-ShawNee Janelle