10/29/2024 0 Comments Protection, Protection, Protection
Dumbbells & Kettlebells Workout 1Video by ShawNee Janelle Holistic Health Practitioner https://www.realityinbalance.com/blog Greetings internet folks. Curious about what this blog is about? On topic, for now, this blog is just about the new workouts from my gym’s app source, which is one of the best fitness apps I’ve had the opportunity to use. Nah-not sponsored, but it took me to visit another gym location to find out that the app existed (friendlier staff, clean, and better equipment). I shot this video location there. Leave me a comment and tell me your thoughts on these types of exercises or any suggestions for me that you might have. It's been a minute since writing a personal blog, so I thought, why not start something new. You're probably like, this girl has all kinds of content from general voodoo tarot readings, holistic health and wellness tips, affirmations, and now, exercise blogs!? Yup, it's me, and I have a lot of interests and doings in life for myself and others. I like to call it the Gemini shuffle, or whatever. Foam Rolling Did you know that foam rolling for 10-15 min before exercise warm-up is suggested to loosen up muscle tissue around our joints? It's what my trainer suggested, and now my body loves it. I do foam rolling for sculpting my legs too. Let’s foam roll! At this gym, they have the best equipment. I like to focus on my body's most important needs at the time. My entire legs usually get the best treatment, and my back. Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only. Sorry about the camera angles. Dumbbell & Kettlebell Workout 1 In the video, you’ll see me begin Dumbbells & Kettlebells Workout 1, an intermediate exercise plan. The estimated calorie burn is 557 calories with a 60-minute workout time. This first workout plan went by a lot quicker than I thought, maybe because of the shorter sets per exercise. There are 3 sets of 12 reps and 60-sec rest between sets. Yes, I did take the full minute, which extends workout time. 🔥The First exercise up is the Clean & Jerk with 10 lb weights 🔥Second - L/R arm, Uni Swinging Snatch w/ a 15 lb weight 🔥Third - Swing w/ a 15 lb weight 🔥Fourth - Front Squat w/ 20lb weights 🔥Fifth - L/R Side Plank w/ a 20 lb weight 🔥Sixth - Back Lunge w/ 10 lb weights 💧Cool down Stretch off camera. Writer/Editor ShawNee Janelle Certified Holistic Health Practitioner https://www.realityinbalance.com/blog
All Affirmations For A Sexual Abuse Survivor Afrikan Spirituality ASTROLOGY TAROT SPREADS Essential Oil Profiles Healers Healing In The Now Holistic Health Tips Metaphysics PLANETARY TAROT SPREADS Sexual Abuse Awareness Tarot Cards Therapeutic Self Care |
Source: The Altar of My Soul, by Marta Vega The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot, by Martinie/Glassman Encyclopedia of Spirits, by Judika Illes |
6/16/2022 0 Comments
The Reality in Balance DreamBox©️
Dreaming is a state of Astral Travel. Astral Travel is a function of your higher self, Spirit. So when you look at the spiritual meaning of dreams, it does not mean religiosity. It is related to your higher self which you can also refer to as your psychic self.-Rev. Dr. Lesley Phillips
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❖ New Orleans #Voodoo Tarot Readings
❖ The New Orleans VoodoO TArot | BasicS
❖ Nan Nan Bouclou
New Orleans Voodoo Tarot Collection Reading III
Alright now, so enough of my rambling. I’ll be sure to catch everyone up in a separate Blogspot. Alrighty, then, time to get into this Voodoo Tarot Collection Reading in no particular order, but we’ll see what cards populate and read them as they show. I also developed 52 power words oracle cards and will pull one card from my deck after the tarot reading to send us away within high thoughts.
The first Voodoo Tarot card is Ochosi- 10 Santeria, the wild hunter, and Orisha. I look at the vessel to see where the energy is being relayed from first, and here, the 10th vessel represents Spirit in the physical form, solidity, and all senses of the Earth’s domain. The Malkuth is the Earth’s domain preferred name where all experiences are present. Ochosi is an Orisha who provides what is necessary and more. Whenever I see this card, it always points in the direction of an accumulation of skills, creativity, or talents where the time to release them into the stars is now. The stars are the desire/goals that represent more than chance. According to the author regarding divine guidance is that “The Stars (NO. XVIII) and the destinies they carry were the object of the arrow's flight" (Glassman). In reflection, the Ochosi-10 Santeria tarot card is the vision for what's gathered to progress into the stars but will spoil if not used this season. I would recommend that a person look at their expanded jewels and send them off to flight and reach for the brightest stars in great regard for the best outcome. You may have to be impulsive and act on what is multiplied instead of contemplating how to put the theme to use. Trust yourself and progress. |

Here is a voodoo tarot card that hasn't yet presented itself until now. At the beginning of the Collection Reading, I mentioned that each tarot card has a higher reflection on a supposed action to counteract. Well then, the Zombi XII is one of the mentioned cards of the major arcana. Turning a supposed negative into a positive can only be done with a conscious, sound mind.
When this card appears, the signature energy states that actions know neither success nor failure. It means that a person has lost their way in life where the soul has become unattached from the meaning of Spirit in physical form occupying space in the body.
According to the author, “To create is to bring something forth from nothing. With the Zombi, nothing is brought forth from something” (Glassman). All will is lost. The card’s general aspect is a form of externally motivated sacrifice. Hence why the woman on the slave block appears to be in desperation and agony with her hands flung in the air turning to the sky in sheer hopelessness. This action is from forced external energy to create a sacred sacrifice. With that being said, no matter the hardship, it’s a path to a greater purpose, and sometimes it takes great pain to be aligned to a form of sacredness for the near future. The snake, Simbi, is wrapped around the woman's waist in the promise of potential redemption. |
Our final card in the voodoo tarot deck to appear is Madame La Lune- 9 Congo. I'm sure that we’ve talked about all of the general aspects of this card within a unit of reading other cards, but not as a singular energetic force. First off, vessel number nine represents the astral realm-the moon, stars of Yesod, and the high regions of the night’s sky. It also corresponds to transport- the movement of one energy to the next, and the mirror- an illusion/magick. Madame La Lune surroundings are at full measure of peace and ease. The environment points to all signs of enchantment. She walks the waters (Congo) of the astral light (moon) covered in glamour. According to Glassman, Madame’s soul is the black mirror. My perspective is that conscious and unconscious minds are in sync with change. The divination indicates a cyclic change returning to a new beginning after a cycle is complete in an orderly motion. Happiness, stability, and contentment are present here. In the Collection Reading video, I spoke about a completion being at the 9th vessel, and the channel was directly for this card only, not for the 9th vessel entirely. |
ShawNee Janelle
All Affirmations For A Sexual Abuse Survivor African/Indigenous Spirituality Afrikan Spirituality ASTROLOGY TAROT SPREADS Essential Oil Profiles Healers Healing In The Now Holistic Health Tips Metaphysics PLANETARY TAROT SPREADS Sexual Abuse Awareness Tarot Cards Therapeutic Self Care
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“In Naturopathy, the connection between the Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional bodies is the foundation for good health. One of my goals is to help restore & maintain a natural balance for the client.”
-ShawNee Janelle