New Moon in ♊︎ Gemini ✨Enlightenment | June,10 2021Welcome back to Reality in Balance. Today, we’re going to perform a voodoo tarot reading for the New Moon solar eclipse. You can use this time to begin new relationships, interests, or methods of connecting. For the Gemini New moon, it’s also a unique time to balance two hemispheres, such as physical matter and spiritual essence; female and male principles, emotional and mental planes, etc.
The sun and the moon are in the astrological sign of the twins. Remember to use this time to enhance the next phase as mentioned above, and remove ties with the people who want to bully you into communicating with them. ❖ Retrogrades: Mercury, Saturn, Pluto
❖Gemini Voodoo Tarot Card: Marassa ❖Tarot Cards: New Orleans Voodoo Tarot, The Secret Language of Light ❖ New Moon in ♊️Gemini ✨Enlightenment | June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse Video Voodoo Tarot SpreadPast/Current Status:
IInfluences from the highest expression of spirit have had a new beginning. What an interesting start for the new moon phase, generally speaking, because of the nature of Neptune affecting the insight for new beginnings. I encourage you to go into this new cycle using your sense of awareness, and not so much as the new fool. You are no amateur. Current/Present Status:
In the current stage for the collective and generally speaking, calm waters carry peace. Mercy is present to those who work in unison. The still waters allow the general collective to keep work diligent. We can all give thanks for the aid during this new moon in Gemini phase. Future/Current Status: Your gifts will be used more now during the new moon in Gemini season. The Master of the Head realizes his/her purpose. You may decide to learn another level of skill or become interested in a new teaching. I find it amazing to have this card to represent the future and a reminder that our spirit is always listening to our heart’s desires to move us forward. ShawNee Janelle Certified Holistic Health Practitioner Health & Wellness Consultant
VIDEO---> Watch Black Cats Tarot | Pt 1
You can use this deck as a tool to unlock your subconscious- dealing with the aspects of inner-work and healing, usher in the unseen behaviors to conscious levels, or for daily tarot forecast readings. The Black Cats Tarot deck can be used intuitively, but it is not for beginners. The elements and their arcane may be undetectable to the untrained eye. The Black Cats Tarot deck did provide a short booklet for quick study and reference, along with six different languages- Italiano, Espanol, Francais, Deutsch, and Portugues. You can watch my Full Video here on the Black Cats Tarot deck.
You Can Purchase --->Black Cats Tarot Deck
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